The Sweet Mastermind (mastermind Aoi X Mokoto)

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Requested by marcodegulio

Mokotos pov

"wow you found me out. Very impressive of you guys"

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Hina. The sweet girl who always wanted to help. The one who tried to kill us all just to avenge sakura. She's really the mastermind!

"I must say this is very unexpected" Byakuya muttered "answer me this. If you were the mastermind all along then why try and kill us all in the fourth trail? Wouldn't us dying so early have put a damper on your little killing game?"

"meh I just did it for funsies" she shrugged.

"your insane!" Hiro yelled.

"Well obviously I knew that you wouldn't fail me" she pouted "you have mokoto with you after all. There's no way you'd lose with him around. He's so smart brave and strong after all" she gushed.

I blushed slightly at the compliments. Dose she really thinks all that about me-no mokoto! Don't get distracted. She's the mastermind after all. You can't trust what she says!

"tell me this aoi" I said shakily "everything you said and did. Your friendship and loyalty to sakura. Everything we've come to know about you! Was it really just a lie?"

"hmm not everything" she walked up and leaned in close to me "I wasn't lying about the way I feel about you" she leaned in and kissed me.

I couldn't believe it. She's really kissing me! I knew I should push her away but for some reason...

I'm actually enjoying it.

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