Sharing A Birthday (soudapeko)

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Kazuichis pov

We sat down at the table together with a single birthday cake in front of us.

You see me and pekos birthdays are a day apart from each other so we tend to double up on birthdays. Unfortunately neither of us are very popular and our only friend fuyuhiko is stuck in detention so we're celebrating this birthday alone.

"it is a shame our young master couldn't be here" peko sighed.

"yeah. It's kinda weird not having him around" I muttered softly.

The two of us sat in silence. The two of us get along well but we can't really talk to each other. That's why we usually hang out with fuyuhiko. He always knows how to bring the best out of the both of us.

"ok let's cut the cake" I said quickly, hoping to escape this awkward situation.

"yes of course" peko nodded as she picked up the knife and cut it. She placed two slices onto two small plates.

I reached out to grab one of the plates. For a moment our hands touched. We looked into each others eyes. Our faces were bright red..

The next thing we knew we were sitting in the living room cuddling and eating cake!

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