Life Keeps Moving

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You stared at the night sky with amazement. Townsville was pretty big, but you could actually see the stars in the sky.

It was one of the things that you had missed about living with your grandma. She was a lovely woman who now lived alone, but she lived in the middle of nowhere. You always saw the stars.

They reminded you that you weren't as powerful as you'd like to think. While that may be depressing to some, you liked to be humbled.

Out there somewhere, there was something greater than you. You took solace in that.

You leaned against the edge of the rail on the balcony. You slowly closed your eyes and allowed yourself to just take in the sounds of the city at night.

Liz: Y/N.

You opened your eyes and looked over your shoulder.

Liz was standing there with a phone in her hand. She also had tears.

You already knew what the news was. You knew it had been coming for a long time, now.

So you looked up into the night sky, and closed your eyes.

Grandma Muriel had passed away.

Power Up!

You rubbed your hands together as you looked around the street. You were a bit bummed after the news you had received last night, but Liz would be heading east to get everything prepared.

Your grandma never really wanted a funeral. Your grandpa didn't have one either. It was just how things were. After they had to bury their boy, they decided it wasn't worth the pain.

So Liz would do what she needed to do, then she'll be back.

It sucked. It really sucked. You loved your grandparents but now they were both gone. You didn't even get to say goodbye.

That was another thing that always kept your grounded. Death was inevitable. It was just something that happened to everyone.

It was a reminder to value life and those around you. It made you remember to appreciate what you had now. And when the end did arrive, there was no point in trying to fight it.

You liked to think that she went peacefully. You just wished you were there for her.

School was going to be rough. It was Thursday, but you wished it was the weekend. You just wanted to stay in bed and mourn. Liz told you that you could, but you couldn't go and miss school on your third day.

You'll deal with it for now. You can get through the day.

You suddenly heard something overhead. You looked up to see three figures flying through the sky. The Powerpuff Girls.

Blossom looked down and happened to see you. However, she was surprised to see that you didn't your hair gelled. Or, at least she couldn't tell if it was. You had your hood pulled up.

Blossom: You two go on ahead. I'll see you at school.

Her sisters didn't even acknowledge anything she said. They continued to fly onwards while Blossom flew down towards you.

You chose to wait for her. She finally landed but no one around you even seemed phased by it. They must be used to it by now. Either that or they knew better than to question it.

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