Meeting At The Mall

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The weekend passed in a blur.

You honestly couldn't think of a single thing that you did worth while besides walking Courage.

It was well spent weekend.

But you were now back in class listening to another lecture. Something something blah blah blah. Whatever.

You already knew all of this stuff. Why did you even need to go to school? You knew Linemen who dropped out of school and all they do is travel and make a butt ton of money.

Plus, you had super powers. If all else failed, you could totally abuse your powers and turn to a life of crime.

I could use your powers to help others and make a name for yourself.


That's what I meant.

You just groaned when you realized you were only in your second period. And on top of that, Bubbles was now texting you nonstop to get more information about you.

Not so she could get to know you better.

She wanted to know more about you so she knew what she had to work with for Homecoming.

It was, like, a month away. She was getting a head of herself.

Mitch: Psst.

You lifted your head and looked to your left. Mitch, Buttercup's friend and your desk neighbor, tapped his notebook. You looked at it to see that he had written a message.

You busy after school?

You looked over to the teacher to make sure she wasn't paying attention. You quickly wrote a response in your notebook in the corner.

Not really. Why?

Mitch wrote something.

I'm going to the mall after school. I need someone to go with.

You raised a brow confused. While you've had a few conversations with Mitch, you never really thought that you were close enough to be hanging out randomly.

Why me?

You want to go or not?

I would like to know what I'm getting myself into.

I just need some guy backup.

Why not ask one of your football buddies?

They don't like the mall.

You in or what?

You sighed. Then, your notebook was suddenly snatched out from under your hands. You and Mitch both looked at your teacher as she looked over the notes.

Ms. Rachels: Oh. Looks like Mr. Mitchelson and Mr. L/N have a date after school.

The class started to laugh which made your cheeks grew pink from embarrassment.

Not cool, teach.

Not cool.

Power Up!

Y/N: How did you talk me into this, again?

Mitch: Food.

Y/N: Oh yeah.

Power Up! (Male Reader) (OG Version)Where stories live. Discover now