Tales of The Unknown Pt. 4

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Zak tapped his chin as he sat on top of the well which was located in the middle of Hollow Town. Everyone was still going about their "usual" business, but Zak kept a sharp eye out for any strange irregularities.

Something serious has to be going on if they sent a, what did you call yourself? A Royal Guard?

Regardless, Zak remind on guard.

Courage, on the other hand, walked around town trying to look for some food. He hasn't eaten in a while and he didn't have his games to keep him distracted.

He was also still super worried about you and the Beast's Curse, but that's not what he wants to think about.

As he walked, he managed to pass by a cellar door which was nailed shut. Inside the darkness was the truth of this town.

Power Up!
Zak and Couarge

Zak groaned as he walked through the streets after finding nothing. The sun was going down and he was still no where in his investigation. Not on the strange case that brought Sir Y/N here, nor anything about the knight himself.

But for the time being, seeing as night would soon fall, he was heading back to Mrs. Clemence's home to stay the night. He was going to babysit again just to have a place to stay.

Zak: Hm. I wonder where Courgar and Gregory are.

He hasn't seen them since this morning. Maybe they were off doing their own thing.

They should be back at the house later tonight.

Zak approached the "egg shell white" house and knocked on the wooden door. As he did, he flinch in pain. He looked at his knuckle and saw that he had gotten a splinter.

Zak plucked it out just as the door opened.

Mrs. Clemence: Oh, Zak, my boy! I'm very pleased to see you.

Zak: Really? Uh, that's great to hear.

Mrs. Clemence: Nice and early, too! Just what I was hoping for.

She stepped aside, fully revealing the inside of her home. Only lit by oil lamps and what sun remained outside. Zak couldn't help but get a strange feeling.

Mrs. Clemence: Please, come inside.

Zak began to debate it, but he couldn't really deny a roof over his head. Even if that meant babysitting some strange kids. But, then again, the kids weren't bad kids. And Mrs. Clemence was pretty nice as well.

Zak: Right. Cool.
Gregory looked around as he walked through the main street of Hollow Town. He got a strange sense of familiarity from the scenery. It reminded him of his first time in the Unknown.

He was just a child then. A clueless child.

Now things were different. They were dire.

Though now, he was bored. He was absolutely bored.

Greg: There's lots of cool things these people won't do. Thank goodness I didn't bring Jason with me. They probably don't even make clothes for frogs.

Greg continued to walk before he nearly stepped on something. He stopped and looked down to see that a cat was sitting there.

Greg: Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there, Mister Kitty.

Greg looked at the cat, but it didn't move. He frowned as he kneeled down and looked closer. Then, he noticed something. He picked it up and looked at it closer.

It was....made of wood.

Greg: Huh? How....

Greg looked around for a moment confused. Where did this thing come from? And why was it just sitting here?

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