Into The Unknown Pt. 4

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The Void Power is a King's Power.

Brick received his King's Power from his father, HIM, a child of Aku.

Your father was a scientist. He had no great power other than his mind. He was raised by humans.

Your mother was an orphan who was raised in an orphanage. She was normal person but was vastly more intelligent than the average person.

Even Liz was simply a woman of creation and science.

So.....where did you get your power?

Power Up!

Brat: If either of you tell anyone about this, I swear that the Beast's curse will look like a joke.

Robin just giggled to herself while you all walked behind the Head Nurse. After you were cleaned of mud and dirt, the nurses gave you all new clothes. Granted, they were hospital gowns. The old fashion kind.

They were surprisingly comfortable.

Head Nurse: We are equipped with the latest medical technology available to Hospital Hospitality.

She laughed at her own joke which made the other Nurses laugh. Though, you were more confused by what she was talking about.

This equipment would be top self, if it was the 1800's. They didn't even have actually lights. Just gas lanterns. Thank goodness you didn't need any surgery.

But the hospital had a lot more to it than you thought. Nursery, a library, an entire room stocked with medicine, and even a small barber shop.

Robin: You have a very nice hospital here, ma'am. Your amenities are very, uh, extensive.

Head Nurse: Why, thank you!

Brat just shrugged at it all. Something was bugging her about all of this.

Brat: Yeah, that's great and all, but can I ask a question?

Head Nurse: Of course you may.

You locked eyes with Brat, mentally telling her not to say anything that would get you kicked out.

Brat: With all of this nice stuff, why don't you have know.....patients?

You suddenly realized that she was right. Thinking back on it, you haven't seen any other person besides nurses here. The head nurse also hasn't said anything regarding it.

But, she did not budge. She simply smiled as if she was proud of something.

Head Nurse: Of course not! Everyone who comes here is so quick to rest and heal that there's just no one left around. And I assure you three that we will have you back on the road to carry on with your travels as soon as possible.

No one was around to treat? You did think that this place seemed to be top notch in terms of getting things done, but that was still a bit weird. 

Where was everyone?

Head Nurse: Now, why don't we move onto massage therapy. It should help with that aching body of yours.

She clapped her hands together and some nurses headed towards you and your friends. They then began to lead you towards the massage room.
Zak sighed as he walked through the festival. After looking around for some clothes to blend in and some supplies, Greg suggested that they just stay the night here rather than trying to transverse the woods in the darkness.

Power Up! (Male Reader) (OG Version)Where stories live. Discover now