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Yelling echoed throughout the tower, rooting from the central war headquarters that was currently occupied by five very important people.

"Dude, I'm just saying that I could be a threat if I wanted to be," the man in the white hoodie leant back in his chair, looking up to meet the supposedly terrifying smiley mask in a heated gaze.

The room they were in was very dimly lit, the only sources being a few lightbulbs and the moon, illuminating the table of four men who were in a heated debate, the one woman sitting back and listening intently.

"Oh, please Punz, you could never be a threat to me! Your weak, stupid, and you could barely hold your own! The only person I ever even considered to be a threat to me and my country was Y/N, but she's dead, which did everybody a favour," the masked man scoffed.

"No offence taken by that Dream. But could you just humour me for a minute? Yeah, everybody thinks her death was an accidental suicide, but just think about it. She was making some shady deals with the wrong people, so she probably did what she always does and screwed them over, and they wanted her dead. Something's fishy, and I'd be willing to bet she's still alive," this time it was Punz's turn to scoff in Dream's face.

"Plus she's hot, and everybody either wants to be her or be with her, so jealousy could be an extra motive if someone wanted her dead," Sapnap snorted, shooting Punz a knowing look.

"Guys, they found her body on the bottom of a cliff with a camera and some food at the top. They reckon she went up there to watch the sunset and have a picnic, but somehow fell off the mountain," a man with white clout goggles piped up, wanting to share the supposedly 'secret' information.

"But the body was completely disfigured and mangled; they have no official evidence that it was her body, aside from the one photo of her on the camera. It had no teeth, man. No traceable DNA. Trust me, George, it wasn't her," Punz leaned forward on his chair, putting his face in his hands.

"I'm actually with Punz on this one; she and I went way back, I'm talking before she became what she is now; there's no way she would 'accidentally fall off of a cliff', she's too smart to do that." The only woman in the room wanted to add her opinion, but kept her face hidden in the darkness.

Little did they notice the door silently open behind them, letting a certain slippery woman in to join the meeting.

"Well, if she isn't dead, then I sure as hell got a run for my money," Dream laughs, pushing himself up off of his chair to stretch his legs.

Everyone in the room shot him many confused looks, to which he simply smiled, and said, "I was the one who wanted her dead. As I said, she was a threat; I couldn't risk having her around. So, I hired a guy to take her out, and it cost me a fuck ton of money, but at least he did his job."

"Yeesh, that's gotta be a bit awkward for you. You get completely screwed out of a lot of money, and your hitman can't even get the right gal? That's gotta suck for you, Clay."

All eyes turned to the woman hiding in the shadows of the doorway, who had always found it difficult to hold her tongue in precious situations.

Your voice was very distinct, very memorable. You could even say it was one of a kind.

"What, didn't save me a seat? I'm sorry, how rude of me to intrude on your little gossip group," you laughed, sarcasm prominent in your voice.

The five people were shocked into silence at your sudden appearance, stunned that you had somehow come in without them noticing. Tension hung in the air, clinging to your every word.

"You really think of me as a threat, Dream? That's actually very flattering, thank you. but I must say, you've never been more than a weak fight to me." you giggled, emerging from the darkness, so they could see you properly.

A smug smile rested on your face, your clothes warm, a cloak wrapped around your shoulders.

"Told you, Dream. She's still very much alive," Punz smirked.

"Great observation, captain obvious. But look, I'm just here to tell you all to stop coming after me. Don't you think the whole cat and mouse thing is getting old?" you yawned, briefly making eye contact with the other woman who still hid her face in the shadows.

She looked so familiar to you, but you couldn't put a pin on where you knew her from.

"Y/N, I think it's time you leave. Guards!" Dream called, sitting back down in his seat.

"Come on Clay, after all this time you can't even escort me yourself? Yikes, I see how it is. Well, it was nice seeing you all again," you began, slowly turning around to face the nearest window, "but like I said before; leave me the fuck alone and we won't have any problems. Comprende?"

And with that, the doors burst open the castle guards snatching at your arms, but you were already running and jumping out the window.

The glass pane immediately shattered on impact, cutting and scraping your skin on your fall down.

The war headquarters was on the second floor of the west tower, so jumping out of a window from that height probably wasn't the smartest idea on your behalf.

You landed on your feet, somehow not breaking anything on impact, but it still shot multiple shock waves through your nerves.

Little slices and gashed littered your arms and face, even some glass protruding from a few wounds. Pulling out as much as you could, you heard shouting coming your way.

They were coming for you, and you needed to get the hell out of there.

You took off, running wherever your legs would take you, hearing a large sum of guards chasing you as you went.

Arrows flew past you multiple times, one whooshing past your ear. But you were smarter than them. you weaved and dodged the oncoming ammo, running into a forest, hoping that would get them off of your tail.

The moon lit up your line of vision as an arrow landed straight in the back of your knee, making it impossible to keep running.

You limped behind a tree, hoping to hide for as long as possible, and yanked out the tip of the bloody arrow with a harsh groan.

You set back off, still having a big lead on the guards, but this time you were running at a much slower pace.

You had to have been running for half an hour when there was only one man still hot on your tail.

He finally slowed to pull back his bow and fire his final arrow straight at the back of your head.

Thank the god's above his aim wasn't perfect but it still managed to land deep in your left shoulder with a hard thump.

The impact alone was enough to send you flying into the snow, hitting your head hard on the ground.

A rough whimper came out of your throat before you could stop it. You groaned, attempting to push yourself back up to your feet.

It took a few tries, but you got back up and were limping away as best you could, blood dripping down your back and leg.

Your pursuer had left, leaving you to work your way out of this snowy forest, leaving a bright red trail behind you.

Your head was spinning; all of your senses were being overwhelmed.

The arrow must have been laced with some bullshit poison.

You could've sworn you could see light ahead, but it could've just been a hallucination. You had absolutely no idea.

Immerensis (Technoblade x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now