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Time felt awfully different today. You couldn't tell if you had been in the village for 10 minutes, or way over an hour. Maybe it was closer to half a day?

No, it couldn't have been more than an hour. Otherwise it would be dark by now, right?

Techno, Phil and Tommy left a few hours past midday, and you left his about an hour after, plus the extra 45-ish minutes to get here. Your guess was as good as anyone else's.

You could've sworn the village was a different length away every time you came, but it may have just been your crappy memory.

So far you had traded a few emeralds for fresh bread, carrots, multiple golden apples and a few different health and strength potions.

You had been extremely lucky with the few villagers that you bargained with. Either they were feeling really nice today or they were just cheap people, you would never know. Or care, for that matter.

One guy even gave you a potion of swiftness, two of healing, and regeneration for only 2 emeralds. Now you weren't the biggest fan of trading, considering you would much rather make your own potions so you know they were safe, but you were well aware when you got a bargain deal.

Now that you think about it, maybe the potions were a bit sketchy. Why were they so cheap? There's got to be something wrong with them.

You turned to ask the guy you had just purchased them off but he had disappeared, nowhere to be seen.

Huh. I'm just going to have to trust that these aren't faulty and most likely going to kill me instead of doing their intended purpose.

You had gotten everything you needed for your tedious journey but were slightly delayed by a small snowstorm. The chalky white powder covered the ground and made its way up your shins to your knees.

The woman who ran the town bakery was kind enough to let you seek shelter in her shop until the light snowfall passed, which it did in just shy of an hour.

You thanked her for her selfless hospitality and set off on your trip to who-knows-where. You thought that you may as well just start walking in a random direction and hope it would lead somewhere nice.

You were barely a few metres out of the store when you heard frantic, almost indistinguishable yelling coming from the forest. The voice sounded faintly familiar, but no, surely not, it can't be-


At the sound of your name being called you froze where you were standing, your cloak swaying in the slight breeze.

A blonde-hair blue-eyed kid came bursting through the tree line into the village, immediately causing a ruckus amongst the locals. He looked like a mess, covered in dirt, snow and... blood?

No, you're jumping to conclusions, Y/N. It could be a trick of the light, and just be mud?

Turning your body away from him, you began to walk away as stealthily as possible without being spot- oh no.

No, no-no-no. I just got rid of you people!

"Y/N! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BE HERE- oh my god Y/N! You have no idea how happy I am to see you!" Tommy came bolting over to you, roughly wrapping his thin frame around your body, practically tackling you.

"Tommy, get off of me. Let me go, I'm leaving. Plus you smell like shit," you pushed him off of you, pulling the hood of your cloak up and over your head. But before you could fully hide your identity from the world he grabbed your hand in protest, stopping you from leaving.

Immerensis (Technoblade x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now