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It had been at least half an hour since you originally woke up, but your mind was too fuzzy to focus on anything.

A dull ache of both your head, shoulder and knee was what was most prominent throughout the time you had been alone. Your vision adjusted itself to the sunlight, and your ears had stopped ringing, which were both good signs.

Whoever's place this was left a glistening bottle of a deep purple liquid on the table in front of you. you hoped that it was a potion of regeneration and gave it a whiff. It most definitely was your original thought, so you took a large swig hoping its owner wouldn't mind.

A shiny golden apple sat by the side of the bottle, almost asking you to eat it by how appetising it looked. Or maybe I'm just hungry.

You stared at the apple for a solid minute before deciding it would benefit you to just eat it, and so you did.

With both the potion and apple in your tummy, you already felt that little bit better. Your stomach had stopped churning by now, and you didn't feel nearly as sick.

You attempted to stand up, completely forgetting the whole arrow-in-the-knee-and-the-shoulder thing and toppled over not so gracefully onto the ground. Groaning in both annoyance and agony, you rolled yourself up and off of your back so you could get a better look around the room for anything you could use as a crutch.

You finally noticed a fishing rod hidden away in the corner, dusty as ever. It's not the best you could do, but it's better than nothing.

Scooting yourself along the floor over to the corner, you pushed yourself off the ground and leaned your body onto the wall, grabbing the metal rod. Up close it didn't seem like it could hold any bodyweight without it snapping, it was that feeble.

Sighing, you put the majority of your weight on your good foot and using the fishing rod as a small amount of assistance, you began to navigate the room you had been left in.

On one side, there were many cluttered chests, a random plant, a surprising number of books, and even a brewing stand. On the other, it was a small kitchen and dining room in one. The table was on the side, slightly off middle (which was annoying but otherwise it would've been in the way) and surrounded by cabinets of food and other necessary items.

Ignoring the pain it caused to take a few steps, you walked around the room admiring every nook and cranny. It was peculiarly neat; unlike most places you had been to.

After looking around for a while, you noticed a ladder leading up to a room above. You had a bizarre desire to know what was up there, as if they would be hiding nukes.

It was going to be hard to climb, but you had faced worse situations. Leaning the fishing rod against the wall, you put your good foot on the first rung, pushing yourself up off the floor.

Oh man, that really hurt. This is probably a bad i-

The lock on the main door clicked, and a tall, hooded figure walked in the door. At first, they didn't notice you hanging on the ladder, which was good.

You attempted to hop off the ladder as quietly as possible but landed on a creaky board, giving away your location.

The newcomer's head snapped up to you, a momentary look of shock on their face, quickly replaced by a cold, neutral expression.

Grabbing the rod off the wall and holding it in front of you like a sword, you stood your ground.

"Who the hell are you?" you demanded.

"That isn't important, who the hell are you? and how the hell did you wake up so quickly?" their voice was gruff, monotonous.

"Were you followed?"

Immerensis (Technoblade x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now