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You could hear faint voices, but you couldn't make out what they were saying.

Your head was pounding. You could feel your heart pumping in your chest, blood rushing in your ears. Many different emotions were running rampant in your head, you had no idea how to feel.

Groaning, you opened your eyes, immediately regretting it as the light flooded into your line of vision.

You were in uncharted territory; must be wherever that group lived. You didn't recognise anyone or anything, except that one familiar piglin hybrid.

It didn't take you long to feel out the ropes roughly tied around your wrists holding you to a metal pole several feet away from the group.

You took in your surroundings, seemingly in a town square above a body of water. Techno is surrounded by what seems to be a mass of iron bars, an anvil hanging far above his head.

If dropped, there was no question that it would kill him in a heartbeat.

You can finally tune in the voices and properly understand what they are saying.

"Technoblade, this is actually not a trial. It's an execution," Quackity taunts. "Or it can be an opportunity to wipe some red from your ledger."

Despite the pain it causes, you perk your head up to see the group better.

"You have a choice to make here Techno. If you make the choice, you can walk free with no punishments whatsoever. However, if you fail to make the decision, you will be killed immediately. Easy enough, right?" The Mexican paces in front of Techno's jail cell, smirking to himself.

Out of the house next to them, the shorter, younger male from earlier walks out with Phil's hands bound behind his back. He looks tired and old as ever, but still willing to fight. You smile slightly as you hear a faint 'Tubbo, I'm your freaking father let me go,' coming from Phil.

You feel rough, furry hands untie your ropes, forcefully pulling you up off of the ground and onto your feet. You were positioned to be standing in front of Techno's jail, next to Philza and the younger male presumably named Tubbo.

The duo mustn't have noticed your presence earlier, as both Phil and Techno's expressions drop when they realised you had gotten mixed up in this mess with them.

"Who the hell are you people?" you hissed.

"The Butcher Army, duh. Now, Techno, you ready for your decision?" Quackity taunts.

Way to break my promise, you mouthed to the hybrid, smirking slightly.

Techno doesn't move or speak, in fear of what will happen if he does.

"You, ya lucky bastard, get to choose who lives and who dies. Only one can survive out of the two in front of you, and you have 2 minutes to choose, good luck. Oh, and if you don't choose in time.. well, you see that anvil? Yeah, it'll be dropped on your head," Quackity laughs as he runs a line across his neck to signify Techno's impending death and walks off back to his little posse.

Phil shows no emotion on his face, but his eyes hold a look of pure horror.

Techno has gone completely pale, knowing one of the three of you were bound to die.

There's no way out of this one. Only two of you would be going home alive.

You were the one to break the silence, "well, that took a turn I was most definitely not expecting," you sigh, shock prominent in your tone. "But at least we all know Phil isn't going to die today. He has too much to live for, so that leaves him out of the question. So that just leaves them to kill Techno or me. But Technoblade never dies, right?" a sad smile breaks on your lips.

Immerensis (Technoblade x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now