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Technoblade hadn't said one full word to you since yesterday's whole I have voices incident, which was twenty-two odd hours ago. So, waking up to a completely quiet house wasn't the biggest shock.

You noticed within the first three hours that's his only replies were grunts or half-assed words. You bugged him about it for the next hour, and he made it blatantly obvious he didn't want to talk to you.

Why? You had absolutely no idea.

By the end of hour four, you had completely given up on trying to get him to have a proper conversation. You held your tongue as well, the cabin being completely quiet for 18 straight hours.

The last thing you had said to him was that "once he was ready to stop acting like a fucking child and have a conversation, I'll be in the basement." You had spent the majority of your day down there, and he didn't come down once.

You felt kind of bad for snapping at him like that, but he had been really odd with you lately. Either this is what he did when he got to know people better, or he held a massive grudge against you for no reason, you had no idea.

But he wasn't like this with Phil?

The comfort of the couch was more than enough to lull you back to a soundless sleep, but you had noticed something felt off.

There wasn't a flame dancing in the fireplace.


Technoblade had lit the fire every morning you had stayed (with the exception of one or two mornings seeing as you did it yourself), so why hadn't he done so today?

Pushing yourself away from the warmth of your new bed, you looked around the room, and was met with no movement except your own.

Maybe he's still sleeping?

You hadn't been up the ladder and into his room, you knew it to be an unspoken rule that you can't go in there. You didn't exactly want to go yelling his name, either.

So you started a fire, made some breakfast and changed into more appropriate clothes, all the while waiting for him to emerge from his room.

An hour passed, then two. He was still in his room, doing God knows what. Still not wanting to bother him, you went outside and sat on the front porch for a while, admiring the snowy tundra surrounding you.

Another hour wasted away, and still no sign.

It was way past midday, where the hell was he?

After debating yourself for a few long minutes, you decide that now seemed like an appropriate time to go into his room.

Climbing the sturdy oak ladder, you knocked lightly on the trap door above you that hid his room from society.



"I made breakfast, it's definitely cold but it's still there for you."

More silence.

Pushing open the hatch, you were expecting to be told to get out, or to fuck off, but no such thing.

The room was completely empty, no sign of life whatsoever.

What the hell?

Jumping back down the ladder, you called for him down in the basement.

Still, dead silence.

You were sure he wasn't outside, so where the fuck was he?


Three days.

Immerensis (Technoblade x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now