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You don't think you had ever been so mad in your life.

Your chest ached at the fact that he despised you.

He wanted you to hate him too, and you knew it.

What hurt the most wasn't the fact that he had done all this to you, but that fact that you wanted to forgive him. You would've given the world just to spend one last normal hour with him, but you knew it was stupid.

You'd only known the hybrid for less than a month, why were you so drawn to him?

You lay on the ground for what felt like hours, your body in a state of constant shaking, partly from the cold nipping at your skin, partly the tears and sobs that's racked your body.

Your hair, face and clothes were saturated by both your tears and the snow that had been melted from your withering body heat. When that slight breeze kicked in, you realised how cold you really were.

You finally stopped crying, or at least the dry whimpers that left your throat, and pushed yourself off of the frozen dirt. Your whole body yearned to lie back down and pass out, but you knew you couldn't.

This was your chance for payback.

Taking a few deep breaths, you got fully to your feet, grabbing your axe that Techno had kindly discarded in the snow and made your way back into his cabin.

Before doing anything else, you decided it would be the best idea for you to either dry off or change clothes. So, grabbing a nice set of woollen pants, shirt and a fleece sweater that had been sitting in front of the fire, you headed into the bathroom and hastily got changed.

Throwing your wet clothes by the open fire to dry, you grabbed your backpack off of the living room floor, beginning to harshly stuff it with the necessary things needed for your survival. Food, extra clothes, medical supplies and a few spare tools filled your bag, seeing as you were already wearing your best armour and holding your favourite axe.

Anything that was yours was now gone, hidden away in your backpack or on your person. The clothes that were drying by the shrinking flame were Technoblade's, so you decided to leave them there for him when he got back.

Tears still streamed down your face, but you paid no mind to them. These weren't tears of hurt or sadness, no, they were tears of anger and resentment.

Clasping the ruby red cloak around your neck, you stood in the living area overlooking all of Techno's tidily placed belongings.

Not for long, you thought.

You put your bag and axe down next to the front door and walked over and up the ladder leading to his bedroom.

Pushing open the trap door, you walked around his room, stopping at his desk.

You scoffed at how neatly everything was arranged, ghosting your fingers over his ink and paper.

Should I write him a note?

No, what am I, crazy? After the way he nearly killed me, he doesn't deserve anything from me.

Without a second thought, you threw all of his stuff off of the desk and right onto the floor.

You kicked the table, the leg-breaking under the pressure hit.

Exasperation ran rampant throughout your veins, hurt powering you to ruin his home.

You walked over to his bedside table and pushed it to the ground.

You threw his pillows and blankets off the bed.

Immerensis (Technoblade x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now