Chapter 30: I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here...

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*A few months later*

I've adjusted quite well to my new home. Me and eve are now great friends and everyone warmed up as the time went by. Well not everyone. And you're asking why me and zenn are not at school. Believe it or not we both decided to drop out of school. And that's just what we did. Our birthday is just two months away and i haven't forgotten about what the white queen said.

"Once you're eighteen, you will return to wonderland..."

'Two more months until our sixteenth birthday...'

I sighed, sitting upright on my bed. I decided to go for a walk. I grabbed the dogs' leashes, slipping it on them and went out.

It was a cold afternoon and i regret not bringing a jacket with me. I was only wearing a black tank top and shorts. It was peaceful, until i heard someone or something walking towards me.

I quickly hid behind a tree. My dogs in my arms as i looked at the direction where i heard the footsteps. It sounded like two or three people were walking. They were giggling as they walked further until i can make out who they were.

It was britney and her friends. 'What the hell are they doing out here?', i thought to myself as i continue to watch them chatter away as they walked, not caring whatever is out there.

As they continue to talk, i could see the three proxies on the tree, they were just crouching there unmoving and staring at the three girls.

Just then, all three of them jumped off the tree and knocked the three girls out before they could even scream for help.

Hoodie:So, what are we gonna do with them?

Masky:Let's bring them to the abandoned cabin not too far from here. Master will know what to do with them...

Hoodie and toby nodded in agreement and they placed them on their shoulders. I was about to get out of my hiding spot without them seeing me when i accidentally stepped on a twig.

'Oh fuck me...', i thought cursing at myself.

All of them looked at me as soon as they heard the noise.

Toby:Jenn? W-what are you d-doing here?

Jenn:Oh... Uh... I was just going for a walk with the dogs.. That's all..

I said as i set the dogs down on the ground and held their leash with one hand.

Masky:Then why were you hiding?

Jenn:Oh that's because i thought i heard something and hid behind the tree... But it was just them.

I said pointing at the girls who were knocked out.

Masky:You know them?

I nodded.

Masky:If you know them, why were you hiding?

Jenn:That's because they're my bullies at school...

Toby:Oh r-really? T-then t-t-they'll suffer from what's to c-come to them.

Masky:Yeah.. We'll make sure they suffer..

I smiled.

Jenn:Thanks guys...

Hoodie:Guys... We don't have much time. Master doesn't like it if he is kept waiting...

Masky:Right.. We have to go jenn...

Jenn:Can i come?

Masky:Sorry but i don't think master will let you come with us.

Just then static filled all of our ears.

The cheshire cat's daughters (Creepypasta Fanfiction) *Completed Story* Where stories live. Discover now