Chapter 10:The true history of the Cheshire Cat pt.2

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*First person p.o.v*

Jenn:*Mind* The title of this book is about my father?

I thought still looking at it shocked. I went to one of the seats, the book was still in my hands. I sat down and opened it on the first page of the book and started to read it...

*A few hours later*

I was at the very last page of the book and almost done when i saw a picture.. my father and the rest of my family but me, zenn, maddie, and lizzie weren't there. Maybe it was a photo a long time ago.. when i turned to the next page and saw another photo of the red queen taking off the people's heads.. but.. when i turned the page to the last chapter, i saw my father.. sitting in a tree with a girl looking up at him..

Jenn:*mind* Maybe this was alice that father was talking about...

I thought to myself and examined the photo very closely.. then i saw writings below the photo.. it said...

'The Cheshire Cat lurks inside children's dreams, eating off their fear. They say that who ever sees 'it' will die a slow and painful death... '

He used to kill children?! But if he kills children, why didn' t he kill alice? And why didn't he tell me?

I decided to purchase this book. After buying it i went home, went inside my room, got on my computer and started to search for more answers about my father...

*A few hours later*

After a few hours of research, i finally found the answer i needed! Father really did kill children. but.. i was still confused.. why would father kill children anyway? Does he hate them that much? Maybe i'll continue tommorrow...

It was now dark and i went to take a shower before going downstairs to feed siren and to eat dinner. A few hours later, i went out, slipped in my gray nightgown, and went downstairs followed by siren and star. I went in the dining room and saw that star's bowl was already filled with food and water.. so i went to the kitchen grabbed siren's food and water, poured them in the bowl, returned the food and water, and i sat down at the dinner table and started to eat dinner ignoring zenn and my mother.

After i finished eating, i grabbed my plate and siren's bowl, i put them in the sink and went back upstairs.. while i was walking i could clearly make out my mom's hushed angry voice..

Mom:Ugh, annoying little brat! She just ignored zenn and me! She's so ungrateful! Why did we even adopt her?!

Dad:She's just in a badmood, alright!

Mom:Bullshit! She is always in a badmood!

Dad:Shut up laura! You only cared about zenn and yourself! You don't care about jenn! You only care about zenn and my money!

Then all i heard was silence and small sniffles. Wow she is such a crybaby when i'm not around... eh.. who cares anyway.. i continued walking upstairs.. i went to my bathroom, brushed my teeth, and returned to my room.. when i went back to my room, i saw that siren was asleep but then i forgot that star was still downstairs so i quickly went downstairs to find star asleep on the floor next to the couch so i quietly went towards her, picked her up, and headed back to my room. When i went back inside my room, i placed star onto her bed next to siren; i then opened my window slightly so the cold air can come in, i then went to my bed, got under my covers, turned off the lights and drifted off to my dream land...


I heard shouting and blood curdling screams so i opened my eyes and saw the white and red war, i was now dreaming the war from back then and i can hear the voice of the red queen shouting at the white queen

The cheshire cat's daughters (Creepypasta Fanfiction) *Completed Story* Where stories live. Discover now