Chapter 33: A Plan To Rescue

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                            *Zenn's POV*

Zenn:It's been hours, where is she?

I muttered as i sat on the porch waiting for jenn to arrive.

'Something's wrong....', i thought as i quickly got up and went inside. I went to slender's office knocking three times until i heard a "come in" from the otherside.

I opened the door and quickly went in, closing it behind me.

Slenderman:Is there something you need, zenn?

Zenn:Something's wrong sir....

Slenderman:How can you tell?

Zenn:Well, my sister went for a walk a few hours ago and she hasn't been back since and i'm worried that something happened to her out there.....

Slenderman:Okay.. I'll send my proxies out to look for your sister....

Zenn :Thank you so much sir...

Just then, a knock on the door.

Slenderman:Come in...

The door opened and the proxies went in.

Masky:You called us, master?

Slenderman:Yes... I want you all to look for jenn, she has not been back for hours and i'm concered.... That zalgo got her....

Hoodie:Yes master.....

Slenderman:Good... Now go...

Zenn:Can i go with them?

Slender paused for a minute before giving a reply.

Slenderman:As you wish... Be sure to bring your weapons with you...

Zenn:Thank you so much sir!

We all bowed and headed out the office. I quickly headed to my room to grab my weapons.

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After that i went back downstairs and we all headed out

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After that i went back downstairs and we all headed out. We walked for a few minutes, screaming jenn's name but she wasn't anywhere we looked.

After walking for a few more minutes, masky stopped which made all if us stop in our tracks.

The cheshire cat's daughters (Creepypasta Fanfiction) *Completed Story* Where stories live. Discover now