Chapter 18:The Silhouettes Outside My Bedroom Window

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I woke up at my usual time. Today is friday and the weekend is tomorrow. Finally. I got up, made my bed and headed to the bathroom.

After showering, i dried my hair and went back to my room. There's no uniform today because it was friday. So, i wore a black t-shirt, black high waist skinny jeans, and black converse. I brushed my hair and laid back down on my bed, watching scary videos on youtube.

                    *After 2 hours*

I went downstairs and ate breakfast with my parents and sister. After that i grabbed my black bag and headed to the bus stop.

After 5 minutes of waiting for the bus, it finally arrived. We hopped on and sat at a vacant seat far away from those boys.

Finally, we arrived. We both quickly got off before the other students can and went inside the school. We walked to our lockers, and took out our book for first period.

*After school (sorry guys, still lazy😅)*

As usual i rode the bus with bruises on almost all of my body and a busted lip. I sighed as me and zenn went inside. I quickly ran to my room and took a shower.

After taking a shower, i changed into my night clothes and treated my wounds. I dried my hair, brushed it and laid down on my bed, my dogs laying on their own beds next to mine.

I was watching scary videos on youtube when i heard my dogs growling. I paused the video that i was watching and looked at them. They were looking outside the window, growling lowly. I set my phone on my nightstand and got up.

I walked towards the window and looked out. I saw three Silhouettes. The first one was a person, then an animal, and the third one is something i can't make out. It looked like black smoke just floating in the air.

They were just standing under the street lamp, motionless. It looked like they came from the woods. I just stared back at them. My dogs were still growling, so i sent them to their beds.

When i looked back, the Silhouettes were gone. I opened my window and turned my head left and right, but no sign of them.

I then looked down. And there they were. They were standing in my backyard, staring at me. I couldn't see their face but i know that they were staring directly at me.

I quickly locked my window, closing the blinds and the curtains. I walked to the light switch and was about to turn it on but i felt a presence behind me.

I turned around and saw them. The same three silhouettes that i saw under the street lamp and in my garden.

I just stared at them as they stared back. I could now see that they only have eyes or sockets where the eyes should be.

I looked the person, then the animal who i can now see that it is a dog, and finally, the black smoke.

I jumped as it began to move and morf into something. It looked like a demon but i noticed a halo above it's head and large wings. It held a triton in its left hand as horns emerged from its head.

Then the same thing goes for the other two. But they were different. The person had a mouth with sharp teeth now. It now had a masculine body and its feet looked like the feet of a goat and its hands had sharp claws that can slice you into shreads in a second.

The other one was slim like the slenderman but it's bones were showing. Instead of having a mouth, it only had sharp rows of teeth. It's arms and fingers were long and almost reaching the floor.

I only looked at them as my dogs came running infront of me and started to growl.

I closed my eyes, hoping it would go away. I looked up again and saw that the third silhouette approached me.

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