White Warrior - 3.

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* Recap *

Eventually I came to the edge of the woods and saw a few feet in front of me a big lake. In the middle floated a raft and I saw some people sitting on the edge of the lake.

I immediately smelled that they were werewolves. The wind came my way so they didn't smell me fortunately. I continued walking until I heard a twig breaking behind me.

'And who do you think you are?' I heard a guy say.

White Warrior - 3.

I slowly turned around and saw a young lanky boy in front of me. His posture only told me that he was just a regular werewolf. He had no high rank or something. His hair had the color of sand and had dark brown eyes. His dark brown eyebrows formed a frown. He looked at me quizzically.

'Someone who's looking for someone' I said back.

His eyes went up and down my body. Usually when a guy did something like that you would blush. I was sort of accustomed to this kind of looks and besides that, he was too young.. Looks we got because we were rogues. Others tried to see what we might have in us. Would she fight and will she be strong?. Will she stay calm or maybe even run away and so on.

'Someone who's looking for someone. That makes it so much clearer. Who are you' he said curtly. I could expect a reaction like that. Nobody is happy with a rogue. They're happier if rogues leave sooner than later. Sometimes they even want to see us dead. I thought that too when I was in my old pack but that changed off course. Because now I am a rogue myself.

I said nothing and just looked at him. 'You walk that way' and he pointed behind me. 'I'll take you to our Alpha. He'll know what to do with you' he said a bit curt and pushed me in that direction. I shrugged my shoulders and just let him grab me. How old was he?. I looked at him, I would say 16? maybe 17?. Anyhow, somewhere between me and Lindsey that's for sure.

He held my arm firmly tight and pulled me along. We walked around the lake towards some houses that formed a mini village. The main house stood on a small hill at the back from the mini village. The house of the Alpha, that was obvious. The rest of the houses were spread and were lower.

There was a sandy road that started on the front of the Alpha's house and went straight forward, between the houses, towards the lake. There it went in two directions. One stopped there but the other went to the right. Where that road went to I don't know, probably to a real road that would bring you to nearby villages or cities.

I had to admit, what I saw looked good. If Lindsey is here indeed and the pack seemed okay I wouldn't mind staying here. I just hoped that Lindsey came here voluntarily and that they didn't captured her or worse, killed her.

I on the other hand was a different story. They would probably see me as a real threat. They would kill me sooner than Lindsey. I wasn't a young innocent girl of 14 but a young woman of 21. People of my age can give packs a lot of problems. We are mature and want to prove ourselves. Not every person is like that of course but it's a possibility.

I saw heads turn and noses going up in the air, trying to catch my scent. Children that were playing outside came closer and peeked around corners of the houses. Some people gave me an angry look and others avoided my gaze. Even though I had often seen this, people who were avoiding me, it still hurt a bit. I was only looking for the right pack.

We came pretty close to the house of the Alpha when a group of men came standing in front of us. 'Who have you brought with you Aaron?' asked a man in his thirties I thought.

'A lost rogue' spoke the boy who still hold onto my arm.

The scent of roses came floating towards my nose and I quickly looked around and tried to figure out where it came from. To the right, behind some houses next to a tree, I saw a familiar figure. She pushed a little girl on a swing

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