White Warrior - 5.

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* Recap *

Why not? Lindsey said.

That's why I said back.

But I want to talk about it. What happened?. How have you done it etc.

Believe me you don't want to know.

White Warrior - 5.

It was noon when I woke up. I really slept long, apparently I needed it even though I was unconscious for two days. When I stepped out of the room Olivia and Jack assigned me I saw a chair standing next to my door with some clothes on it. Long trousers, a shirt with long sleeves and fortunately also shoes.

I was particularly pleased with the latter, it was so long ago we had some decent shoes. When we bought shoes the staff of that store were giving us weird looks because we walked barefoot. And when we had shoes we could only enjoy them for a couple of days or weeks. Yes enjoy sounds strange but when you walk that much barefoot you kind of mis shoes. No dirty feets, twigs, pebbles or whatever pricks in your feet.

I walked down the stairs until I heard some people talking in the living room. I could hear that Chris, the Alpha whose name I didn't know and his parents were the ones who were talking. 'She killed three Jack' I heard the Alpha say. 'Seriously!' I heard Jack say incredulously.

'That's why only Lindsey came here, she's been unconscious for two days'. 'But she's still standing and that's a lot. You know how ruthless those beasts can be' I heard Jack say. There was a pause. 'I think you should ask her Ben, if she really killed them than she's pretty good'. Ask?. Ask me for what?.

In our pack I was never asked for anything. Not Lindsey or our parents. We were just there, walking around. We weren't always treated right but it was better than with just the four of us and trying to survive.

My father was a born Trimble Moon, my mother came from somewhere else. She found my father when her pack searched for a new place to stay. She stayed there with him. Eventually I came and a few years later Lindsey. It took a while before she got pregnant again, that's why there is such a big gap between Lindsey and me.

Actually I had a little brother but he died all of a sudden. He was only a few weeks old. SIDS they called it or crib death, because there was no obvious reason why he died. I was four at the time and I rembember it all well even though I was so young. My parents were devastated for months.

'I don't know whether this is sensible Jack. She's new, nobody knows her. They will be suspicious about it if she's getting a task, specially if it's something so important'. It was quiet for a moment, what kind of task?. I walked down the stairs a little harder than intended. I don't want them to think that I was eavesdropping.

The conversation stopped immidiately. I walked towards the living room and saw the four sitting in the couch or chairs. 'Morning' I said a bit uncomfortable. It was difficult to pretend that I haven't overheard their conversation. 'Morning' they all said back. 'Where is Lindsey' I asked. 'She is at our school'.

'School?. Really? you have one here?'. Olivia nodded 'our pack is pretty big, we have a quite amount of children here of different ages. Besides, the nearest school is miles away from here so this was easier'. I just nodded, that sounded easier indeed. And the amount of houses I had seen I could imagine that there are a lot of children here.

'From what pack where you actually?' Ben asked, finally I knew his name. 'Trimble Moon' I said. 'Never heard of'. 'That's possible because we are pretty far away from here' I admitted. 'Wait, we were I must say. We aren't pack members anymore'. 'You sure?' he asked. 'Haven't you listened to what I said yesterday?' I asked a bit cheeky.

Chris gave me a warning growl. 'Sorry it's been a while that I sat across an Alpha'. 'It's okay, but I don't wanna hear that from now on' and Ben looked at me. 'The three wolves that you killed, what did they look like' okay, right to the point. 'Two were dark brown and one was lighter. They were men and fully grown'.

You could see if the werewolf was fully grown or not, in other words, adult. They all have the same sizes then. If they are younger, like Lindsey for example, they were smaller then the rest of the werewolves. So you can easily pick out the younger ones.

The other difference was that you could see if they were male of female Female werwolves are smaller than the male werewolves. The last difference is the Beta and the Alpha. The Alpha of course is the biggest of the whole pack and the Beta slightly smaller, but just slightly.

'Fully grown, male and dead' Jack said and he look at me intently. 'Yes, dead', 'may I ask how you did that?'. 'Why are you so curious. Yes, they were different from the werewolves I've seen before but that's only because they had red eyes. Besides that they weren't that much different'.

'We will explain that later' Ben said and I saw him and Jack waiting for my answer. I picked up a chair and sat down. 'We were running for two days when they came after us. At one point we noticed they came closer and it seemed they weren't exhausted at all even though they run after us for a while. We both were pretty tired because we were running for two days.

I told Lin to go and find a pack that seemed good. We said goodbye and I turned towards the three who were chasing us. I grabbed the lightest first and took a piece of him when we rolled on the ground'. I tasted his filthy taste again when I said it and pulled a face.

When he was out for a few seconds the other two came after me. I killed one by using a tree where I launched myself towards him. Then I killed the second by using another tree that has fallen down. There was a pit underneath it and the tree had a lot of broken branches. He probably thought that I would change direction instead of going underneath it into the pit. He sort of impaled himself.

Unfortunately when I crawled out of the pit the third grabbed me and threw me away. I broke my ribs and my hand'. I looked at it and made a fist, it was healed but sensitive. 'I came at the edge of the mountain and the one that was left saw that I couldn't go anywhere'.

That's what he thought at least. I let him bite me into my shoulder so that I could grab him at his paw. I pulled him and I let myself fall into the gorge towards the water. Once in the water I ripped his throat, pulled myself out of the water and lost consciousness'.

They all looked at me incredulously but also worried. 'Two days later, apparantly, I woke up. I had to climb up but my first attempt sucked' Olivia looked at me questioningly. 'My hand wasn't healed yet and began to hurt. So I let go, lost my balance and fell down'. 'Ouch' I heard Chris saying. 'Something like that yeah' I murmured.

'You're really lucky young lady' Jack said. 'Lucky or you're very good' he added. 'A bit of both perhaps?' I said with a shy smile. Jacke gave me a smile. 'What I now know is dat your sister is completely different'. He didn't need to say that, I already knew it I thought and I grinned.

Lindsey and I differed day and night. I was quieter and more reserved, she was always cheerful and exuberant. We didn't do much together in our old pack until our parents were gone.

Our bond became better and stronger. When they were gone I had to protect her. When we left I obliged myself to protect her. It was my decision so I had to take care of things and fix them if I had to. That meant, even get rid of the werewolves who chased us.

At that point, we also discovered that we shared something special. We can only communicate in our minds if we change, in our human form we can't. I believe that a half year back we found out we can communicate in our human form. I was sort of in a difficult situation at that time.

The one I liked in Aqua and couldn't keep his hands to himself had beaten me again. I kept repeating things in my head and Lindsey heard. She reacted on the things I said and that's when we found out. I asked her to keep it to ourselves because I've never heard about this kind of communication.

I still think that, unless we have to. I just hope that she hadn't told Aaron yet. Now she has found her mate I don't know what she did or said because she feels different now.  All though, different?. I don't know how to describe it cause  I don't know how it feels, having your mate and everything so I'll just leave it that way, different.

'I think I haven't introduced myself properly. I am Benjamin but everyone calls me Ben and yes I am the Alpha. From now on I want you to do what I say or what Chris says. That doesn't mean that we have accepted the both of you cause we can not just leave you here wander around understood?' he said in a way you can't really say no to.

'Yes' I said quietly and I looked at him until I had to avert my eyes. I began to feel a little bit of his strenght and he forced me to deflect as respect because he was the Alpha. 'Good then, but I have to go because in a few minutes the little one is back from school' and he stood up. The others said goodbye and he left trough the front door.

'Would you like something to eat?' Olivia asked. My stomach began to growl at that time and she heard. 'That sounds like a yes, you've slept quite long' she said as I followed her into the kitchen. I sat down at the table and watched as she made some sandwiches. Not one or two but I think more than ten. I was hungry yes, but that hungry?.

'Um...' I started when she put the pile sandwiches in front of me on the table. She began to laugh 'the other two will be here within seconds because they have probably smelled it. I just took my first sandwich when the door swung open and Chris and Jack came inside.

'Had a good night rest?' Jack asked. I nodded because i just had my mouth full. I saw the clock hanging behind him and nearly choked.  I almost slept for 18 hours?. 'Everything okay in there?' Chris adked me and he looked at me. 'Yeah, I saw that I have slept a very long time. I probably needed it I guess, I think because I had run a lot of hours yesterday before I got here'.

We ate quietly until the scale was empty and I noticed that the men gave me most of the sandwiches. It was nice of them that they did that but I found it a bit embarassing. 'Sorry' I said shy 'apparently I had a bigger appetite even though I had alot of the delicious food you made yesterday' I looked at Olivia and I felt my cheeks burn a bit.

All three began to laugh a little. 'Don't worry girl, I like a women who eats like that. Besides you can use some more flesh on that body of yours' Jack quipped. I gave him a smile because I had no idea how to respond on that.

'Come on, I'll show you around' Chris said and he stood up. I followed him because I had nothing else to do and followed him. 


Another chapter whoeh....:P Hope you liked it:)
(I have to say that it's not getting easier translating this whole thing o.O but I'll try my best with the translating thing and try to upload regular;)
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