White Warrior - 30.

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  • Dedicated to everyone who read White Warrior:D

* Recap*

We were all inside when the door opened again and I saw Ben entering with Joe in his arms. I left Evan behind with James and went towards Ben. He saw me coming and put Joe on the ground who, immediately, made his way among the others.

'And?' I asked him. He shook his head and looked disappointed.

'We still haven't found him'.

White Warrior - 30.

-------- a few weeks later --------

I stepped out of the car and looked around satisfied. So, that felt good, glad I'd seen her again. It had been a week last time I saw Lindsey. And I believe it was the longest time ever we haven't seen each other or spoken to.

Our link had become a bit stronger and our reach grew but not enough so that I could reach her from the area of the White legends, but we were working on it. I grabbed my bag with my sleeping gear and walked inside. I greeted Nick and Brooke who were sitting on the couch watching TV and went on to Evan's room.

I opened the door and found him lying in bed. I put my bag down next to his desk and saw the building plan again. It was something he later wanted to surprise me with, but because I was so worried back then, he tried to make me forget about them by showing the building plan.

He wanted to build a house with the others for the two of us. We could stay here but having our own place would me nice too. And when he told me that, I jumped out of excitement and happiness. A place for the two of us!.

'I'm glad you're back, how was it?'. He said as soon as I looked at him and he put the remote away. I took off my shoes and went toward him. I fell down on bed and crawled against him with a satisfied sigh.

'Great, like always'  and I let my fingers glide over his stomach. 'Still working on your link?' I nodded. 'A bit yeah, but I don't know how to improve our reach. And I still don't get it. Why do we have this?'.

'Oh, I forgot to tell you something' I looked up so that I could look him in the eyes. 'Just after we completed the mating Eric told me that I smelled different'. I sat up and looked at him. 'What do you mean different'.

'According to him my scent of cut grass is replaced by an old scent. A scent he had smelled before. A scent he smelled at you'. 'Huh?' I rubbed my face. Okay, I give up. I don't know what's happening, it's all so strange.

'I don't get it' I mumbled and I lay down again. 'So how are you going to do it, as in your unknown and mysterious background?'.  'I don't know, I'll see in a few weeks, months or years'.

'I suppose you will keep doing this?. The travel back and forth thing and staying over?. Even if we get our own place?'. 'Jep' he grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss. 'Even if I don't want you doing it because it's still a few miles away from here?'.

'I can't stop doing this Evan, she is my sister. My only family. As long as she's not old enough to come this way on her own, I'll do it. So get used to it' I said and poked into his side.

'Hey!' and he grabbed my hand. 'But fine, I'll accept it, I don't think I can stop you so..'. I laughed when he said that. 'You know me so well'. 'But if you do that I can still see you as one of the Warriors'.

'Hmm... partially I think'. 'That means you're also a part of us, the White Legends'. He pulled me closer. 'Something like that I guess' and he paused. I looked at him because he said nothing and I saw him frowning. 'What do you think about this then' and he looked at me.

'From now on you're my White Warrior'. Not bad I thought. He was right too because I was a bit of both packs. 'Sounds good' I admitted and I looked towards the TV.

'From now on I am a White Warrior' I murmered softly.



It's done!:D FINISHED! Thank god:P

Hope you liked it:D

Okay, first of all a big thank you for everyone who read White Warrior, voted for it and gave comments:D

Second, there will be a second book but I'm still busy writing it so if you're curious, become a fan and you will see when I'll put it on Wattpad;)

Again, thank you!:D

Watty Awards here I come!:D

Tot later! (See you later;)


*** White Alpha (sequel) will be very, very slowly updated. I have to translate it and that's not easy and I don't have that much time, so be patience please :)

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