Control your dog jj ~ pilot

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(That picture is jordyn she will be based off of the looks of hailey stienfeld)

"Hi there I'm jordyn I will be your waitress today what can I get started for you?" jordyn said as she walked up to her table, not realizing who was sitting there. "Well hello there pretty lady" Jj said in a terrible British accent. "Can we get your finest tea and scones" John b said also in a British accent. "Why yes of course I can get that for you right away" jordyn said trying to copy their British accents. "Ok what can I actually get you?" Jordyn said still smiling. "Just some waters for now" John b said. "Isn't your shift over?" Jj asked looking at the clock that was up in the wall. "Oh shit it's is" Jordyn said completely forgetting. "Ok uh I'll go get another waitress be right back" Jordyn said before walking to the back.

"Hey Sam, my shift is done can you get table seven?" Jordyn asked one of the waitresses that she disliked because she was the only person she could find. "Yeah sure" Sam said before walking out. Jordyn then changed into her normal day clothes for the rest of the day since it was only eleven in the morning. Once Jordyn was done changing she walked out of the staff washroom to go and find her friends.

When Jordyn walked out she found Sam flirting with both of the boys. 'Of course' Jordyn thought as she sighed still walking towards the table. "Hey" Jordyn said smiling in her usual bubbly attitude. "Hi" Jj said scooting over to make room for Jordyn. As Jordyn was sitting down Sam said "So just the burgers for you cuties?". All Jordyn did was roll her eyes. She hated Sam. Sam always tried to get with Jj or John b. "Uh yeah that's it" john b said sensing the tension between Jordyn and Sam.

"What was that about" john b asked Jordyn. "What was what about" Jordyn asked back. "Never mind" john b said not wanting to start anything. "So what are we doing today?" Jordyn asked the boys. "We are going to go check out that new house that they are building down in figure eight" Jj said sounding enthusiastic. "Is it that one they build on the turtle habitat?" Jordyn questioned. "Yeah I think so" John b piped in, "cool" Jordyn said sarcastically.

After the boys were done their food the three of them were off to go get pipe and kie. "Do y'all want to throw a party tonight?" Jordyn asked. She was always up for a party no matter the circumstances. "Hell yeah. My place" John b said happily. "Bet" jj said as he looked out the passenger side window. The three were at pope's fathers shop. The three best friends hopped out of the Twinkie, well John bs old beat up van.

"Heyward" Jordyn said as she walked up to the older man. "Oh hello Jordyn" popes dad said smiling at the girl, he would have hugged her but he was holding a box that he had to put away. "Mind if we steal your son?" Jordyn asked. Jordyn was the only friend of popes that heyward actually liked. "Of course, take him" the dark skinned man said still smiling as he walked to the back of the store.

Now it was the four of them all running back to the van. The gang was only missing kiara. "How was your shift?" Pope asked Jordyn who was sitting across from him in the back. "It was same as always" Jordyn sighed. Pope then got up and sat next to Jordyn to check up on her. "Are you ok?" Pope said just loud enough for her to hear. "That bitch Sam was flirting with the boys again" Jordyn said back to pope. Pope and her were really close, she trusted him with her life. Pope was like her brother. He was probably the person she was closest with.

Pope and Jordyn talked more shit about sam on the way to get kie. Eventually Jordyn got frustrated and placed her head on popes shoulder. Which caused Jj to give pope a dirty look, Jj was jealous and he didn't know why. He knew that pope and Jordyn were like siblings. But he still wished that he was the shoulder Jordyn would lean on. But he couldn't let anyone know that.

Soon enough the four of them were at kiaras house. "I'll get her" Jordyn said before she got out of the Twinkie. "Dude" pope said looking at jj. "What?" Jj said knowing what this was gonna be about. "Why did you look at me like that?" Pope asked. But it was rhetorical because he already knew the answer. "Like what?" Jj asked trying to play dumb. "Are you jealous?"pope asked almost laughing. "What no" jj said while his face got all red. "Yeah you are" John b chimed in "You're all red and shit". Jj rolled his eyes in response. All pope did was smile and sit back down.

Love hate relationship// jj maybank Where stories live. Discover now