Chapter 8: Hunger

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Date: March 19th, Tuesday
Time: 18:26, evening
Location: Lake house

Atsumu's POV

Omi-kun had just gotten back, from the police station, and we were once again talking in my room while I did my yoga.

It's been almost two weeks since Omi brought me here. I honestly don't mind, I'm slightly worried about Samu but other than that, I'm enjoying my time here.

Omi is very calm and kind, and he is also hot, but that's just a plus.

He's always flirting with me, but today I think I'm going to have a go at flirting with him.

After all, I like him... And two can play at that game... Right?

A few days ago, I noticed that Omi would get all flustered and look away whenever I was doing yoga.

So I thought right now would be a good time to start the flirting.

"So Atsu, I've been meaning to ask you... How did you figure out that it was me who farted?" He asked.


"Ya know, yer not that slick, Kiyoomi," I said in a slightly seductive tone but kept it casual and sarcastic at the same time.

I grinned to myself as I heard what sounded like a choking noise come from his direction.

Sakusa's POV

I choked.

He had to know what he was doing, there's no way he didn't.

He called me by my first name!

Now add that to the fact that his voice and accent are hot as fuck.

I almost fucking died on the spot.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Well, I was watchin' ya that day and ya were actin' kinda weird so I was suspectin' ya for a while but did some more investigatin' before I said anythin'," he explained casually.

"Why were you watching me?"

Now I wanted to know.

He turned his back to me, dropping into a full split before leaning forward with his chest flat on the floor.

I gulped, it was taking everything in me, every ounce of self-control, to not pin him to the ground and fuck him right there and then.

He slowly moved his body back to a sitting position before looked back at me over his shoulder.

His eyes were half closed and a small but sly grin played across his lips.

He knew.

He knew what he was doing to me.

He slowly got up from the floor and made his way over to where I was standing.

He trailed his fingers lightly up my arm and to my cheek.

"Ya could say that I always had my eye on ya," he said, looking at me with half-open eyes while he bit his bottom lip.

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