Chapter Two: Nathalie, The IceBreaker.

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    I just got home, I have been stalling asking Father ever since I got home 10 minutes ago. It's 4:00 p.m. I surprisingly don't have a busy schedule today. Alright time to go downstairs. I don't know if Father will let me go. I feel bad, my friends never get to see me because of that. Now I realize I am in front of his door. I knock, he tells me to come in. "What Adrien? I am very busy." I hear him mutter, angrily. Looking at me now, instead of his tablet. Maybe this was a bad idea. It's too late now. "Sorry Father, I know you might say no but, can I go to Luka and Juleka's houseboat? I have a free day for once and my friends really want to see me." I say, sort of scared of getting yelled at. "No-" Father begins to say before Nathalie interrupts. "Sir, he never gets to see his friends, we should let him. I will make sure he gets brought there, and back safely." I hear Nathalie say, and I'm overjoyed! " Hmm, I suppose so, now go, I'm busy." I hear him mutter, before turning back to his tablet. Now outside, I jump on Nathalie. "Thank you! I'm so glad I have you.." I say, hugging her. " I-I'm glad I have you too, now let's go Adrien." She says, pulling away. I smile and get in the car, really excited.

I've been zoning out thinking for a while, for so long that now we're there. "Goodbye Nathalie, Thank You!" I say, hoping she noticed, I think she did. "Adrien, you're welcome." She says. I smile and get out, she follows. "So, 7:00 p.m. Does that work?" I hear her say, I'm overjoyed, again. "Wow- that's a long time! Yes! Thank you!" I shout. " Of course." I hear her say, then she goes back in the car.

"Hey guys! Nathalie convinced Father to let me come!" I say, waving, really happy. I see Luka, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene, Nino, and Alya here. Luka is the first to walk over. "Hello Adrien. I'm glad you could make it." He says, in his same soft, calm voice. "Yeah me too dude!" I hear Nino say. "Yeah-" I hear Juleka start to say, before the ground starts shaking. Of course my time with my friends is ruined, the one time I have time, there's an Akuma attack. "Guys, let's hide!" I say, then run off to go transform into Cat Noir.

After I'm done, I see Ladybug on a roof. I make my way over. "Hey Milady!" I say, happy to see her. "No time for 'Milady' this time, we have to fight!" I hear her shout, like usual. "Okay, sounds purrfect.." I say, sly sounding. "Ugh- what did I tell you, let's go!" She shouts, then starts leaving, I follow. All I wanted was to lighten the mood, she's never this mad. I'm worried.

Now it's after the fight and I see Ladybug on a roof. I go over. "Hey Buga-" Is all I manage to say before she interrupts. "Stop calling me that! And I told you to stop joking around, it's annoying!" She shouts. "I just wanted to lighten the mood, I wanna make people smile, especially you, I'm sorry." I say, getting kind of sad. "No! It's too late for that. And please, you're not even funny, just give up. This is why you're just a sidekick" When she says that, I instantly feel hurt. After all I do for her. This is how I'm treated. I risk my life for her, I give her all my love, everything. Just to make sure she means it I ask.

"You don't mean that, right?" I say, tearing up. "Yes, I do. You need to know I will never go to the movies with you, I don't want your roses, and I will never love you!  All you do is joke, and you're never even there for me!" When she says that, I'm even more hurt. I'm always there right by her side and this is what I get? "I- okay.." I mutter, now crying. I should just leave. So I already am. I'm leaping across rooftops, sobbing, wishing the pain, and tears would stop, but they don't. I cry all the way to the building across from Luka's houseboat. I find an alley, and jump there and detransform. Still crying, Plagg comes out of my ring. He just sits on my lap, while I cry. He starts patting my leg, and I laugh. "Thanks Plagg. But I better go." I say while he gets off me and I stand up. I wipe my tears away, and walk over to Luka's houseboat, hoping no one will notice I was crying.

"Hey guys! I just came back from my hiding spot! Is everyone okay?" I ask, hoping they are. "Yeah" They all say. I'm glad they're all fine. "Hey, Adrien. I was wondering something." I hear Luka say. Everyone else is talking to each other, so no one hears. " Yeah, what's up?" I say, curious. "I was wondering if you wanted to join our band. It's cool if you can't. I can tell you're busy, and that your dad is strict, but if you can come, we practice every Friday, as in tomorrow." When Luka says that, I'm instantly happy, I've always wanted to be in a band. Father said 'we Agreste's are soloists', although I don't believe that.. "I'll ask Father later today." I say, hoping he says yes later. "Alright, I hope you can join us. You're cool to be around Adrien." I hear Luka say, as he walks back with the group. I smile at that, and I walk back with the rest too. 

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