Chapter 8: The Colors Mean Nothing.

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  No. No it doesn't mean that. It can't. Well maybe it just means that I love him as a friend. Maybe that's what it means. Yeah. That's it. "Adrien, is everything okay?" I hear Luka say in front of me, he looks concerned. "Oh yeah I'm fine, sorry- uh, I have to go. Bye!" I say while running away. "Uh- Okay?" I hear Luka say as I run away.

As soon as I get in my room through my window I detransform. I must just be tired, that's why I thought the Ice Cream means Luka. I mean I love Ladybug so I already know it must have been a mistake.

Although Andre really never makes mistakes.. Ugh- Why am I thinking about this so much? I have school tomorrow. I better get my outfit out to wear tomorrow.

After I finish my homework, it's pretty late. I should probably go to bed. I lay down and try to sleep, but it's hard. All I'm thinking about is what happened today. Why would the colors mean Luka? It really doesn't make any sense. I love Ladybug, always have, always will. Then again, I mean I didn't really blush around her last time we had to fight. I didn't smile, or anything. There must just be something wrong with me? Yeah that must be it. Of course I love Ladybug..

"Adrien, time to wake up!" I hear Nathalie shout. I get up, get dressed, brush my hair and teeth, and go downstairs. "Alright let's go Adrien." Nathalie says. "I'm not really hungry. Thanks Nathalie." I say, not really wanting breakfast right now. "Well your Father needs to talk to you." I hear Nathalie say, and I'm confused. Father never eats with me, let alone talks with me. I walk into the dining room, and I see Father sitting at the other end of the table with his same blank, cold stare.

"Yes Father? Nathalie says you needed to speak with me?" I say, still confused. What did I do? Oh no. What if he knows I snuck out? Does he know I'm Cat Noir? OH NO. OH CRAP. "Adrien, sit down." I hear Father say. "Yes Father.." I say, sitting down. "Well I have something to say.." He starts to say, and I'm terrified. "I've decided you should have more modeling on your schedule, it's for the good of the brand. This is not a negotiating matter by the way. I have decided." I hear him finish saying, as he gets up, and walks away.

I am fuming. Is he kidding? I don't even get a say in the matter? As I'm thinking this I am walking outside, and getting into the car. Who does he think he is? I should be able to decide in some way.. Doesn't he realize how much this hurts me? I never wanted any of this. I just want to be a normal kid.. Is that too much to ask for? Ugh- Whatever I need to focus today, we have a Math test.

Now it's after lunch. Today wasn't that bad. The test was easy I suppose. I hope I got them all right though. I am in science now. It's a little boring but I better pay attention, I really need a good grade, otherwise Father will be mad. As I am starting to pay more attention, I hear a crash. Great, another Akuma attack. Hawk Moth is really getting persistent.

After the fight I see Ladybug on a tall building again. This is becoming a pattern. I jump over to it, and sit next to her. "Hey Cat noir!" She says while looking at me. "Hi." I say, kind of in a rude way. Which I did not mean. "So how are you? I don't really talk to you anymore.. I miss you Kitty.." I hear her say that, and I feel bad. I should not have been this rude. "I know, I have been having personal issues, sorry Milady.." I say, but still not blushing.

"Well that is not an excuse Cat noir. You need to deal with your problems, not take them out on me. I did not do anything." I hear her say, and I want to say that she made excuses too , but I don't, I just keep my mouth closed. "Yeah you're right Ladybug. I better go.." I say while getting up, but she stops me by getting up and grabbing my hand. "Well Cat Noir, just know I will never stay mad at you. Just don't do mean things, that's all." I hear her say from behind me, still grabbing my hand. I still do not blush, I just take my hand away from her, and I look back. I see she looks confused. "Yeah, I got it, Ladybug. See you later.." I say, sounding sad. Which I am. I just walk away and jump across the buildings until I am at the school. I find an alley and de-transform.

Then I go back inside the school. What is wrong with me? Why can't I stand up for myself? I mean I have made my own decisions. I choose to hang out with Luka, I choose to be Cat Noir. I choose to be in modeling- well I mean Father decided that. Well I choose to be friends with Ladybug, and like her- well I mean I was handed the Miraculous to save Paris, I couldn't exactly say no. Well still I can make decisions, right? Yeah of course I can. I am being stupid. Everyone can make decisions for themself. I am sitting down while everyone is asking if each other is okay.

Still not to mention everything with Luka. I have been acting so not like me. I mean I have been happy though- but still it's wrong. I can't choose myself over Paris, what if I act out of Character as Cat Noir, and someone gets hurt? Or worse? I need to think like that. I can choose that. Being good, with good grades, a good outfit, and good friends is all I need. Then again, Marinette doesn't really act like a good friend.. Well still, everything needs to stay good, and perfect. I am perfect. Father never says so, but I know he means to. Right? Yeah he does. I better pay attention now, I think they are telling us to go back home because of the attack.

After I am home Nathalie is asking how I am, I say I'm fine, and I go in my room. Then I hear a notification, I think it's a text. Yay! It's from Luka, yes! Jeez I'm over reacting it's just Luka. He texted "I had a lot of fun yesterday, the Ice Cream was really good. We should get it again sometime."

I reply, texting, "That sounds good! We could in a couple days, I just got my schedule for the week from Nathalie, and I am busy until Friday, sadly. " I see him typing then a message of him saying, "Alright, I hope it's not too busy, you deserve a break Adrien. Well I better go, Bye!". Then I reply saying, "Thanks Luka, Bye!".

Then I turn off my phone and just sit on my bed. That conversation made me think about the Ice Cream again. I do not think it was a mistake on Andre's part. Well I mean it had to be. Of course I will never tell Andre that, I don't want to make him feel bad, or even get Akumatized. So maybe I should just stop thinking about it. Luka is just a friend anyway. I know that. I only blush because I'm nervous. Not because of his bright blue eyes, or dark blue fluffy hair, or perfect outfit.. Wait what the heck? I mean it's okay to say that he looks nice, all the time. Or that he is just a great person. I think that about all my friends.

Yeah that's it. He is just a friend. Plus it's not like the colors of Ice Cream mean anything. It's just colors. It can still mean Ladybug. So just like I should have thought before, the colors mean nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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