Chapter Five: Feeling Something New.

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I walk inside my house and go upstairs to Father as he texted me to do while I was in the car.

"Hello Adrien, I've decided something." He says, as I walk into his office, and I already know what's coming. "You will not continue with that band, or with the Luka boy. They are bad influences for you. Us Agrestes are soloists. Therefore, go to your room. I have no idea what I was thinking when I let you go there in the first place." He says, in that monotone, cold voice I'm starting to get sick of hearing. I nod and walk out, then walk up the stairs and into my room. I fall on my bed backwards and just grab my hair out of anger. Who does he think he is? Ugh, I need to pack.

After I get a backpack full of stuff, I transform into Cat Noir and jump out of the window and make my way to Luka's house. I grab my phone and text I'm on my way.

When I get there I find an alley close by to detransform. I jump down and set my backpack on the ground. As I'm about to detransform I see Luka like ten feet away looking at me from across the pathway. "Hey Cat Noir, what are you doing here?" I hear him shout. I kick the backpack to the side so he doesn't know it's me. "I'm just patrolling the area, I think I saw your friend Adrien over there." I say, pointing down the street. He looks and I grab my backpack and jump away. He doesn't see me. I find an alley down the street, detransform, then walk to his house.

"Hey Luka! I have my stuff now." I say walking on his houseboat. "Jeez Adrien where were you? I was getting worried when Cat Noir said he saw you and I didn't." He says, sounding worried. "Oh I'm sorry I forgot something in the car and had to go back" I say, knowing I'm lying. I scratch the back of my neck. "Hm.. Okay." I hear Luka say, reluctantly. "Anyway let's go unpack your things and maybe watch a movie? You can pick." Luka says, now smiling. I smile back and nod saying, "Beauty and the Beast, obviously." I say, chuckling.

About an hour into the movie I notice it's about 8pm and Luka is asleep. I put the blanket over him and lay down also. "Good night Luka" I whisper, like he can actually hear me. Then I go to sleep.

Now I'm starting to wake up, I try to sit up to grab my phone to see what time it is but I'm stuck. What the- WAIT WHAT. WHY IS LUKA HUGGING ME. NO HE'S CUDDLING ME. WHAT DO I DO?! Oh jeez I need to calm down, why am I nervous anyways? Luka is just a friend, it's not like it's weird or anything. Then why is my heart beating really fast? I really need to get up. So I start to sit up and he starts to wake up. "Huh.. OH JEEZ, Adrien I-I'm sorry, I didn't- I was sleeping, I didn't realize, if I did I would have-" Luka starts to say before I cut him off by laughing, saying, "No, it's fine. I know you didn't mean to, it's all good." I say still chuckling, but in reality I was blushing. I saw he was blushing too. It's probably nothing though. I better go home really quick and pretend I'm in the shower. "I'll be right back Luka, I have to use the bathroom." I say, then get up and go to the bathroom. Then I close the door and Transform.

That was hard, I had to go really quick to my house and back to Luka's. "Okay now do you want breakfast?" I hear Luka say when I get out of the bathroom. "YES I'm so hungry." I say smiling. "Alright, great. I'll go make eggs." Luka says while leaving the room. I lay back down on his bed and think about what just happened. I still can't believe I woke up cuddling him. I mean it wasn't that bad actually.. Wait what? Why would I think that? Why am I thinking, and doing things like this when it comes to him? It's weird. Just these past few days I've been totally out of character. Like how I am when I'm Cat Noir. It's like I can weirdly be myself with Luka, but as my normal self, not just my hero persona. I guess that just means we're getting close pretty fast. I feel so free around him for some reason. Him and Ladybug are the only two I feel myself around.

   I wish I could be like that with everyone, but it's hard to let people in. Especially when your own Father won't let you in. Sometimes I think about that. I try not to but still, I do. Sometimes I wonder, what secrets is he hiding? 

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