Chapter Three: New Best Friend

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  Now it's about 5:30 p.m. I already performed with the group for extra practice, it was really fun. "Hey" I hear Luka say behind me, and I turn around. "Oh, Hi. What's up?" I say, while putting the foldable piano I played away in a box. "I was wondering something else. I know you have been here a few times, and that we're friends, but we never really officially called each other best friends. I feel like we are, but I just wanted to hear what you think?" After he asks that, I'm happy. I usually only hang out with Nino, but Luka is so cool. "Of course! You're definitely a best friend of mine! We should hang out more, I wish I was here more." I say, the last part I could tell I sounded sad. "Oh, well you're here now though, right?" He says, I'm confused. "What do you mean?" I say, sounding a little confused."I mean while you're here we could go hang out in my room if you want?" I hear him ask. "Yeah, of course!" I say, putting the piano box down, following him. When he opens his door, I am shocked at the amount of Jagged Stone guitar picks he has. "Wow, I've never seen your room before, it's so cool!" I say, while he sits down on his bed.

He gestures for me to sit down next to him, so I do. "You know I could tell you were sad earlier." Him saying that shocked me. "Wait what- I wasn't- I mean do you think anyone else noticed? Uh- shoot- I mean, me? Sad? No way." I say, hoping it was somewhat believable. "You're a bad liar Adrien. I didn't mean to freak you out. I mean, why are you sad?" He asks. I can't tell him. "I'm not, I'm fine." I say, kind of in a happy way. "Adrien, you don't have to pretend. It's okay. That's why I asked you to come with me. I wanted to ask where you wouldn't be pressured in front of everyone to answer." He says, really sweetly. I want to tell him, but what's the point of having him deal with my issues too? "Um- I.. I'm fine, really.." I say, sort of nervous. "Okay, fine. You don't have to tell me right now. Just can I just get your number in case you want to talk later?" He says, while handing me his phone. "Fine. Sure, here." I say, while typing my number on his phone. "That's what I thought." He said, smiling, taking the phone. I laughed. "So, what do you wanna do?" I ask. "We could play video games?" He asks. I obviously want to." Uh- Yeah! Time to beat you." I say, he laughs. "Sure Adrien, whatever makes you sleep at night." He says, I laugh and say, "Game on".

After our video game session it's about 6:00 p.m. I feel bummed, we don't see each other often, but he's so nice, and cool. "Hey, you look sad? What's up?" I hear Luka ask. "Just- I have to leave in an hour, and I'm glad Nathalie gave me this much time but I'm still gonna miss hanging out with you.." I say, sounding even more bummed. " Thanks, I'll miss you too. But- Hey, why don't you come tomorrow?" I hear him say. "Yeah, I wish. Father only let me because Nathalie convinced him to.." I say, still kind of sad. "Well, I guess I would still try. You never know, people can surprise you." He says, nicely, like usual. "You're right. Plus we still have some time, we should keep hanging out!" I say, a bit more happy. "Alright, what do you wanna do?" He asks. "Hmm- Ooo, let's play guitar, I never have before." I say, he looks surprised, then he just smiles. "Then come here I'll teach you." He says, while handing me his guitar. "I can't use yours, it's too special!" I say, surprised. "Well then I guess you're special." He says, then winks. I laugh, and take it. "So now what?" I say, dumbfounded. "Oh- right, I forgot." I hear him mutter, I laugh.

While he has been teaching me, I keep finding myself just zoning out. I don't know why, it's getting annoying. He'll keep saying my name, until I look all dumb and say, 'What?'. I just keep finding myself staring, which I know is rude, but it's like I can't help it. 'Adrien..' "ADRIEN!" I hear him yell. Shoot, it happened again. "Uh, yeah. Sorry.." I say, embarrassed. "It's okay, but why do you keep zoning out, what are you staring at?" He says, and I freeze. "You." I blurt out, then cover my mouth. Shoot, why did I say that? Now he's laughing at me. "You're funny Adrien, anyway, do you think you know enough to play this verse in a song I'm doing?" I hear him ask. "Yeah, I think so." I reply. "Alright, take this." He says, while handing me a paper with notes on it.

I started following it, but it sounds pretty bad I can tell. I give both the guitar, and paper back to him. "I think I'll stick to piano, and singing." I say, laughing. He laughs too. "Sounds good. At least you tried?" He says. "Yeah, I tried and failed." I say, he laughs. "Maybe a little bit, yeah.." He says, laughing again.

After a while of just sitting and talking about music, he starts to shift the conversation. "So, I was wondering.. Do you like Marinette?" I hear him ask, and I'm shocked. "What? No. I don't. Do you?" I ask. "It's sort of complicated." He says. " Oh really, so you do?" I say. "I'd rather not talk about it if that's okay." He says.

Then I hear my alarm go off, telling me it's 7:00p.m. Also that- sadly- it's time to go. "I have to go, sadly. I'll call you tomorrow and let you know what Father says about joining the band, okay?" I say, already getting my backpack, and leaving. "Sure I'll walk you out." He says, while following me.

"Hey!" I hear Nino say, stopping me. "Oh, Hey Nino! Sorry I gotta go." I say. "Really, where were you the whole time?" He says. "Oh, with Luka, we were playing video games, and talking." I say. "Okay dude, see you at school!" He says, and a few people say 'Yeah'. "Okay, bye!" I say, while walking to my car, and getting in. "Bye, Adrien. I hope I see you tomorrow, for the band, and just to hang out and talk." Luka says. "Yeah, I hope so too. Bye Luka." I say, while waving and closing my car door. "Did you have fun with your friends Adrien?" I hear Nathalie ask. "It was really great. I had a lot of fun, Thank you!" I shout, while side hugging her. "Oh- thank you Adrien." She says, then she hugs me back. I stop hugging her eventually, then start thinking. Gosh I really hope Father says yes about the band, and about me just seeing Luka to hang out in general. Because, honestly, that's one of the funnest days I've ever had. 

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