3. Bully

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Eight Years Later


What dad said was false. No one came around and became my friend. Everyone hated me from the second I stepped foot in that school. And the worst thing is I have stay here until I'm a junior in highschool.

Daniel didn't talk to anyone else either. He was a bully would pick on anyone who got in his way.

I was his main victim but he had some of the nerdy kids and girls too.

I don't understand why I'm a target. We're both on the basketball team and we both like the same music and games.

But I'm still a target for his torture.

I sighed and got out of bed, slipping on a baggy Marlboro t-shirt that was my dad's before I stole it, some ripped jeans, and converses and walked out of my room and into the kitchen where Delilah was fixing pancakes.

Delilah loves to cook and Papa helped her out a bit before she go the hang of it.

"Where's dad?" I asked grabbing a pancake for myself and drowning it in syrup.

"Sleeping," Papa said looking up from his newspaper and smiling at me. "Like he always is on his days off."

"I wish Dad was home when I'm off of school. I'm tired of not being able to do some father son activities with him. He promised to play basketball with me but he had to work," I said sadly.

"I'm sorry, Maverick, I'll talk to him about taking off a day just for you," Papa said kissing my head.

It was no doubt papa and Delilah had a great relationship, I wish I had a good relationship with dad but I never see him. He sleeps in on the days he's off and gone by the time I get up on the weekends.

I hardly even know him and it's getting on my nerves.

Papa said I outta wake up earlier but I could say the same to Dad.

"He gets up earlier than you, Maverick," Papa would say.

But I wouldn't listen. There is no reason someone has to get up with he sun to record stupid songs for a stupid album.

Well, I have to admit I do enjoy some of his songs but that's besides the point.

The point is, he should put his family first.

"When's the last time he took you out?" I asked crossing my arms and raising a brow at Papa who sighed.

"It has been a while," he mumbled stuffing some pancake in his mouth.

"He puts his work first. Before his son, daughter, and husband. Might I add the one who deals with his mental issues," I growled.

"Alright, that's enough. You better get your ass to school before I whoop it!" Papa said.

I rolled my eyes and got my backpack before walking out of the house.

All fucking talk. Neither papa nor Dad ever laid a hand on me or Delilah.

I jumped on my bike and rode to school only to be tormented by Daniel the second I walked in.

"Hey, fag!" Daniel said leaning against my locker.

I really wanted to punch him. He was the only one who causes trouble when I came out as bisexual. Even the worst bullies never bullied me for it because most of them are gay.


Daniel being the only one that isn't.

"What is, Daniel? I'm late enough as it is!" I said.

"Wouldn't get feisty on me, princess. I could get you kicked from the team, y'know," Daniel said.

"Whatever," I said grabbing a few books from my locker.

Daniel shoved them out of my hands.

"I wouldn't kick you though, your the only black person on our team. No wonder you're so good!" Daniel smirked.

I growled under my breath at this racist, sexist, homophobic bitch!

"Shut up! Okay! Shut up!" I said.

Daniel shoved me down.

"I would beat your ass but I can't have you all hurt for practice after school!" Daniel said. "See you then, darkie."

The stupid blond walked away laughing.

I scoffed and rose to my feet thinking that this was going to be a long day.

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