14. Mad

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"I really can't thank you enough, you've done so much for us!" I said gratefully at the woman who had carried Delilah and our late baby, she had offered to carry a third child and I was super happy I got someone I could trust. 

"Of course, anything for y'all!" she said rubbing her stomach. I reached my hand out and took it away not knowing if she wants me to touch her or not. 

What am I saying of course she doesn't want me to touch her. 

"You can touch it, don't worry. I know you aren't at all weird," the woman, Lucy, said. 


I parked outside of the clinic waiting for Skeeter to get done, he was talking to Lucy, and then he knelt and touched her stomach. My eyes widened and I gasped. But it got worse she lifted her shirt and he kissed her stomach. They both laughed and Skeeter stood and hugged her. She kissed his cheek and he walked out. 

I felt my heart shatter that he would this woman like that. I certainly didn't. I averted my eyes away from Skeeter as he walked into the car all bubbly. 

He smirked at me. "I'm all done now," He said taking the scarf off. "I think my mark is fading, you might wanna add more before the children get home!" 

"Yeah," I said pulling out of the parking lot. 

Skeeter frowned. He folded his arms on the console laid his head down staring lovingly at me. I wish I could punch his stupid little face. 

How dare he come into the car and act as he loved me after he interacted with that woman the way he did. Kissing and hugging her like they were married and found out they were having a child together. And in a way they were. 

But I didn't see it that way when I went to the clinic. I just came out and grabbed Skeeter and kissed him as I happily told him we were having a child. 

He didn't act that way towards me. He acted that way towards Lucy. 

"Are you okay?" Skeeter asked. "You've been acting strange." 

"I'm fine," I said. 

Skeeter sat up.

"Lucy acted more excited than you and-" 

I slammed on the breaks and Skeeter fell forward and slammed his mouth on the dashboard and let out a small scream.

I gasped. 

Skeeter's hands flew to his mouth and he made little muffled screams and squeaks. 

Thank God the roads were clear as the sun began to go down. 

"Skeeter, God, I'm sorry, let me see," I said. Skeeter looked away from me and gagged. He must've tasted blood. 

"Skeeter, baby, let me see," I said softly. Placing my hand on his. He swatted my hand away getting blood on it in the process. 

Skeeter started sobbing as tears rolled down his cheeks. 

"I'm so sorry, baby, please can I see?" I asked. He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut. 

I nuzzled into his neck and began to kiss him to calm him down. 

"Axl, stop," he said using both of his hands to shove me off of him. 

I looked at him and saw gushes of blood dribbling from his lips to his chin. Bot corners of his top and bottom lips were busted open by the sharp canines that he had in his mouth. I always loved those sharp teeth. He looked adorable when he smiled. And reminded me of a vampire. But a cute cuddly one.  

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Are you-" 

"Just drive you jealous piece of shit!" Skeeter snapped turning away from me. 

I gasped, I hated hearing Skeeter cuss. Unless we were having sex because then I know he's not mad. He's in a state of pleasure. 

But now he's pissed and I hate when he's pissed at me. 

I sighed and drove down the road. By the time we got home from our two-hour drive, it was dark. Skeeter go out of the car but I didn't. The second Skeeter walked out a burst into tears. 

"What the fuck happened to you?" I heard Delilah ask. 

"No, ma'am! Delilah Rose, you go up to your room and don't come out until tomorrow," Skeeter said. 

Normally I would've laughed, but I don't feel like laughing right now. 

I stayed outside for another two hours before I heard the door open and close and Skeeter walked out with his plaid pajama pants and a black t-shirt and no shoes. 

He opened the door and smiled weakly at me.

"Are you coming in, babe?" he asked. I sighed, yeah," I said. "I understand if you're mad at me... But I didn't do anything with Lucy, I swear, I'm yours and yours only. I was just talking to the baby and the kiss meant nothing! It was only a joke!" Skeeter said. I nodded and Skeeter changed the subject. "Delilah said a bad word today, she's acting so much like you," Skeeter laughed. 

I nodded. 

Skeeter then burst out sobbing. I turned to him startled. "Skeeter, what's wrong?" I asked. "I can't stand this! I can't stand you being mad at me. I only want you to hold and kiss me again and tell me you love me and sing me to sleep! We've been fighting too much lately! I want it to stop! I want my Axl back, the one I love with all my heart," Skeeter said.

"The meds aren't working anymore, Skeeter, it's just getting worse I don't know what to fucking do!" I said throwing my head back on the seat. "You can go to therapy, there's nothing wrong with that! It doesn't make you weak, Axl," Skeeter said placing his hand on my face. "Now, come hold me, kiss me, tell me you love me and sing me to sleep?" I asked. 

I smiled. "Any time, baby," I said jumping out of the car. 

I scooped Skeeter into my arms and whispered sweet nothings into his ear making him blush and giggle.

Finding Myself With You 2 (Maverick Rose)Where stories live. Discover now