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Hey everyone! This is my main Among Us Logic Book! 

I'm trying to include as few author's notes in this book as possible so I'm establishing most of the "rules" (for a lack of a better word) in this chapter.

1. One-shot Requests are always open unless I state otherwise!

2. Your requests don't have to be ships! You can request a platonic pairing, or a story about just one character. Typically ships will be indicated by the chapter title being "Character A/Character B" (with a slash between their names) and platonic stories will be titled "Character A & Character B" (with an ampersand between their names). Stories that are neither will have their own title.

3. If you're going to request a story focused on just one character, please give me a general idea about what you want. Asking for "a chapter about Player" is going to be tougher for me to write than "a chapter where Player wins", for example. Extra description of what you want is always appreciated!

4. If you are going to request a ship, I will write for any pairing EXCEPT Character x OC or Character x Reader. (I'm too scared of writing you or your OC out of character.) I feel like this goes without saying but I will not write incest, pedophilia, etc. but I'm pretty sure you guys know that's bad and wouldn't ever request that, right? 

I will not write smut because that would be cringeworthy and make me uncomfortable.

That's the only thing I won't try to write, though. 

6. I'll happily write for a pairing or character more than once, so don't hesitate to request another story for a ship/character that's already been requested! 

*cough requeststuffwithTheGentlemanpleasepleaseplease cough*

I have been on Wattpad before under a different account, but eventually deleted my account (because I got stressed out and apparently the way I cope with that is pulling a Miles Edgeworth and disappearing off the face of Wattpad)(please tell me someone got that reference). Some of the stories here might be familiar to those who have read my older book under my old account -- I have edited them slightly. I would like to clarify that I am the same person, I am not stealing someone else's work. 

Happy reading, hope you enjoy!

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