Crumpled Up Papers from Mr. Cheese's Garbage Can

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I feel a bit bad for not posting, so here's a small thing to read while I work on your requests! I promise I saw all of them and will fulfill them all. 

Try not to take this one too seriously. 

CW: Strong language and Mr. Egg slander that was physically painful for me to write 


Dear The Gentleman,

My name Mr. Cheese! I know I don't need to say my name all the time, but I thought it would be helpful here because you don't know who is writing this. It's me! Mr. Cheese!

I don't know your address so there's no way for me to send you this letter. I can't give it to you either since I don't see you around the lobby anymore. So I guess I can write whatever I want cause you're never gonna read it.

I can't believe I was so easy to replace


Dear The Gentleman,

Why would you look for another associate when you know I'm right here?? We could be so happy together. Aren't I good enough??


Dear The Gentleman,

I hate you.


Dear The Gentleman,

I found a new lobby to play in. The people there are really nice! I get impostor a lot so I'm getting really really good at it! I bet I would win a whole lot if I went back to your lobby. Do you even want me in your lobby anymore? With your new associate stupid annoying fucking egg-brain WHY WHY BASTARD WHY



I wanna come back. I miss you. 

-Mr. Cheese

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