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I used an (hopefully more accurate than Google Translate) English to Japanese translator since I don't know how to speak Japanese myself. I apologize for any mistranslations. Feel free to comment the correct translation if something is wrong, and I will fix it! 

I specifically remember this was requested by @Broxninja on my old book. 



Bro was the last one to respawn in the lobby. He glanced to his side just in time to see Ninja hop off his chair and walk over to where the rest of the crew members in the lobby were standing in a small huddle. As Bro watched him go, the tiniest hint of a smile spread across his face- something very unusual for him. He pretty much only ever smirked.

He was smiling for something he deemed a good reason, though, so he didn't mind showing a genuine grin. It had been a long time since he'd seen Ninja in this lobby. He couldn't deny he had grown fond of him- and while he couldn't understand anything he said better than anyone else could, it was nice to see him back.

"Heavens, I don't wish to ever die like that again," The Gentleman remarked in a slightly trembling voice, patting himself down as if to check that he was all in one piece again. "A single slash through my abdomen is quite enough to take me out, Ninja."

Ninja took a bow before he slid his sword back into its sheath. "しかし、それはそのようにもっと楽しいです。"(But it's more fun that way,) he said with a smug grin.

A few moments of awkward silence passed as everyone collectively wondered what Ninja had just said. 

"How come you understand English but aren't able to speak it?" Player asked. "I can't understand anything you're saying."

Ninja's bright attitude immediately dissipated and he shot Player a glare. "なぜ私に英語を学ぶように頼むのではなく、日本語を学んでみませんか?" (Why not learn Japanese instead of asking me to learn English?)

Player shook his head. "Like I just said, I can't understand what you're saying."

"I believe he suggested you learn Japanese," The Gentleman spoke up. "Although I wouldn't know. Mr. Cheese translated that, I'm not aware of any inaccuracies he may have made in the translation."

"You know Japanese?!" Veteran exclaimed, his eyes wide.

Mr. Cheese shrugged. "Eh, a little. Don't ask me to translate everything he says though, hah. I'm not that good."

Ninja left the circle that the astronauts were standing in and sat down on one of the chairs, twirling the ends of his headband around in his fingers. Bro inched over a couple chairs so he could sit next to him. He was about to congratulate him for getting yet another impostor victory until he noticed how upset he looked. "Hey bro, you good?"

Ninja raised his head to make eye contact before saying, "私は彼らと通信できたらいいのに。" (I wish I could communicate with them.) Bro shook his head and shrugged. Ninja sighed and looked sadly down at his lap. "忘れろ," (Forget it,) he mumbled before exiting the game.

Bro stared at the now-empty chair next to him. He was upset, after all, he'd only gotten to play three or four rounds with the friend he'd missed so much. 

But then an idea struck him. How hard could it possibly be to learn Japanese?

"Aw, man, he left? Now I have no chance of winning," Player groaned.

Mr. Cheese snorted. "You never had a chance at winning, Player."


Very hard. It was very hard to learn Japanese. 

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