Player & Mr. Cheese (platonic)

415 10 46

I really want them to be friends okay???

(Includes Plateran and some mentions of Gentlecheese.)


As Player studied his outfit in his bedroom mirror, he started to regret asking Veteran out.

Actually, he didn't really  regret asking Veteran out at all, but he did regret deciding that their first date should be somewhere fancy. He should have just taken him to a movie or something, like Bro suggested.

Realizing that he should have listened to Bro about something made Player cringe both inwardly and outwardly.

"Aw, the tie's not that  bad." Mr. Cheese, who was sitting on the edge of Player's bed, laughed a bit. "Although you might wanna tie it better." Player had asked him to help prepare for his date– since Mr. Cheese probably had some sort of dating experience since was in a relationship with The Gentleman– but Player was starting to regret that decision, too.

He frowned and undid the poorly-tied knot in the tie around his neck. "I don't know how to tie a tie." He glanced over at Mr. Cheese for help.

"Don't look at me. I dunno how either." That was a lie; Mr. Cheese did know how to tie a tie. He just pretended he didn't so that The Gentleman would do it for him. Which definitely didn't have anything to do with the fact that Mr. Cheese liked having The Gentleman close to him.

"Well then how do you get your ties tied? I've seen you wearing one before." Actually, Player had only seen Mr. Cheese wearing a tie once, but that still must mean that he knew how to tie one, right?

Mr. Cheese blushed slightly and turned away. "Youtube videos? Duh, Player."

"But there's no reception in space..." Player shook his head, deciding not to continue that thought. "Maybe The Gentleman knows how."

Mr. Cheese grumbled, "So does the guy on the "Dad, How Do I?" Youtube channel."

Player tossed the tie to the floor in defeat. "Does the guy on the "Dad, How Do I?" Youtube channel know how to prepare for a date, too?" He turned back to the mirror to look at himself. After a few moments of scrutinizing over his appearance, he adjusted his red suit jacket and re-buttoned the top button of his collared shirt (he couldn't decide if he should leave it open or button it up). He smoothed down more stray strands of his hair and groaned. "Veteran's gonna dump me. Could you pass me the hair gel?"

Mr. Cheese hopped off the bed and-- after stepping over a pile of ties that Player had discarded a while ago because they didn't go with his outfit-- walked over to Player so that he could put a hand on his shoulder. "Player, you don't need to worry! Veteran obviously likes you for your personality, because you suck at pretty much everything else."

"Hey!" Player tried to shrug Mr. Cheese's hand off his shoulder, but Mr. Cheese didn't let go.

"Heh. Sorry, that was kinda rude of me. Not my point." Mr. Cheese used the grip he had on Player's shoulder to turn him back towards the mirror. Player looked over his outfit one last time. The red suit and tie was a bit much, now that he looked at it again, and he'd definitely used too much hair gel. 

"Oh, god. I look terrible, don't I?" 

Mr. Cheese squeezed his shoulder and said, "I think you should chill out, ditch the dinner date because I know you forgot to book a reservation, and do something with Veteran you both actually wanna do. All Veteran really wants is to hang out with you."

Player considered this. "That's..." he stared at Mr. Cheese in the mirror, dumbfounded. "...actually really nice of you, Mr. Cheese."

"Hah, don't get used to it." Mr. Cheese let go of Player's shoulder and gave him a rough pat on the back. "I'm gonna go, I gotta meet up with The Gentleman in like, 45 minutes." 

As Mr. Cheese headed towards the door, Player took off the suit jacket and grinned at himself in the mirror, feeling empowered. He could do this!

But then another little problem dawned on him that Mr. Cheese hadn't told him the solution to.

"Wait, Mr. Cheese! What am I supposed to do with him then?"

"I dunno! He's your  boyfriend, not mine." Mr. Cheese turned the doorknob. "Oh, and before I go! Wear your beanie, Veteran thinks you look cute in it. He told me so." Then he slipped out the door.

Player blushed a bit at the idea of Veteran thinking he was cute and pulled the red hat over his overly-gelled hair.

Maybe he didn't regret asking Mr. Cheese for help, after all. 

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