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I'm back!

And I've fulfilled a very old request! For @nabtastic (if you're still interested in AUL... sorry for the year-long wait)


The third round of the day was underway, and Baggie had been assigned to be a crewmember for the third time in a row. He was fine with that; being the impostor made him anxious.

Blondie, however, was not fine with that. And as she did her card swipe task, she complained to Baggie about how monotonous being a crewmember was. Baggie couldn't tell if she was intentionally announcing her crewmate status in front of three other crew mates waiting in line for their card swipe task— Mr. Egg, The Gentleman, and Stoner— but Baggie was less focused on her talking than he was on the card swipe task. Specifically, he was focused on the hand doing the swiping, which was a weird thing he'd noticed recently. Blondie had really, really pretty hands.

Like every other astronaut aboard the Skeld, Blondie wore the required space gloves; yellow ones, to match her suit. The gloves had thin lines sown into them where the fingers were sown up. Those thin threads ran from the tip of each finger, continued across the back of the palm, and ended at the wrist of the glove.

Baggie closed his eyes and reopened them again to refocus himself. The card task didn't require him to analyze every detail of Blondie's gloved hand. Besides, he had the exact same gloves. If he really wanted to stare at fine thread work, he could stare at his own hands.

It wasn't really about the gloves, though.

The card reader beeped again, asking Blondie to re-swipe the card. Begrudgingly, she did so, and the card reader failed again. Baggie watched Blondie's hand go back and forth across the card reader, faster and faster to the point where she wasn't even trying anymore and was just moving the card back and forth the way one would use a saw. The card reader was having none of it.

The others in the room with them seemed just as frustrated with the situation as Blondie was— The Gentleman made an offhand comment about how abusing the tech was entirely unnecessary— and Baggie grew hot and embarrassed under the stares of the other players waiting behind the two of them. They were clearly waiting for him do something about Blondie's torturing of the card reader.

Baggie thought about smoothly reaching out, taking Blondie's hand in his own, and swiping the card for her. He almost did it, too, but his plans were thwarted when the card reader finally gave in and accepted Blondie's card.

"There we go!" She said cheerfully, then turned to Baggie. "Let's do one of your tasks next."

"Yep, tasks! I have those!" he said quickly, snapping to attention military-style. "And we can do them! After, uh... after you though."

Four pairs of eyes began to scrutinize him. 

Of course, the only pair of eyes that mattered to him were Blondie's as she looked at him with suspicion written all over her face. Baggie put his hands up defensively. "I'm not the impostor! I just... Ladies first, y'know?"


Blondie took Baggie to electrical next, where Baggie coincidentally had no tasks. He was miserably aware that he was looking awfully suspicious at that point.

With nothing else to do, he tried to examine the small stain on the ceiling with great interest, but he couldn't help that his eyes floated back to Blondie doing her task after a few moments of intense staring at the ceiling.

Gosh, he really liked her. She was so smart, so funny, so bold. He had tried telling her so before, but he had gotten so nervous he just sputtered out a bunch of adjectives. Blondie either didn't take the hint or pretended not to.

He began to get to flustered looking right at her-- he didn't want to be creepy-- and his eyes went back to her hands. Baggie wanted to gently run a thumb along the back of her hand, along the lines on her gloves. Maybe, if he can find the courage to do it, he'd raise Blondie's hand to his lips and press a soft kiss onto her knuckles. Exactly like what the fancy people in the movies do...

Baggie stared at Blondie's hand hanging loosely by her side. It's so stupidly tempting.

Before he could do anything, Blondie called his name. "Baggie, is something bothering you? You've been acting weird this round."

Baggie didn't know how he could respond to that, and in that moment decided to execute his plan before it was too late. With none of the suave gentleness he imagined earlier, Baggie grabbed Blondie's hand and intertwined their fingers.

Just like that, it was over. No long, drawn out loving gazes like he hoped might happen. All the romantic tension he'd been trying for was over and done with in less than five seconds. Baggie's face and the tips of his ears were a brilliant red as the two stood still in the middle of electrical and held hands. Blondie hardly seemed affected.

"This is what all that was about?" She asked, swinging hers and Baggie's hand at her side with a slight grin on her face. "You goof. You could have just asked instead of staring at me like you were going to pull an imposter kill."

Baggie became even more embarrassed. He squeaked out an incomprehensible apology and glanced away, half expecting Blondie to yank her hand back. Instead, Blondie tugged on his hand slightly and said, "C'mon now, lets get going. We're gonna get killed if we stand here any longer." She all but dragged him out of the room and down the hallway. 

Baggie doesn't fail to notice that they're still holding hands the whole way down the hall. 

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