The Gentleman/Mr. Egg

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This was also a request from my old book for @LuigiFan620



There are 2 impostors among us

The Gentleman sighed as he glanced over his list of tasks. There were so many this round, he'd never be able to finish them all. It didn't help that he had half of his tasks in electrical, that dreadful place. He was sure to get killed there, and even though his death was near inevitable in a murder mystery game he wasn't sure he was ready for that today.

His line of thought was broken when he heard someone call his name. He looked up to greet them with a scowl, but that quickly melted away when he realized it was his orange-suited business associate. Not that his facial expression mattered that much, since it was mostly obscured by the glass visor.

"Are you quite alright, sir?" Mr. Egg's accented voice was laced with concern, but it didn't last as he seized the perfect opportunity to make a pun. "You spaced out there for a moment," he laughed, "get it? Spaced? And we're in space?" It was a terrible pun, but Mr. Egg was known for liking puns, and despite how awful they were, The Gentleman didn't mind as long as he got to hear Mr. Egg laugh at his own joke afterward.

A blue astronaut with his signature baseball cap tipped backwards sauntered into the room and bopped the black-suited crewmate in the back of the head, not hard enough to actually hurt but firmly enough to get his attention. As well as the attention of his partner, who from the looks of him was very obviously displeased to see someone treating The Gentleman like that.

"You gonna do your tasks, dude? Come on, I wanna win this round."

"Hey! Show some respect to The Gentleman!" Mr. Egg called defensively, stepping closer to Bro in case he decided to try hitting his partner again. "I'm sure he was just strategizing what order to do his tasks in!"

That was not at all what he'd been doing, but The Gentleman appreciated the excuse.

"While he's at it he'd better strategize a better outfit, too," Bro quipped as he knocked The Gentleman's double top hats over where his eyes would be if he weren't wearing a spacesuit. Mr Egg looked about ready to murder, but unfortunately for him he'd also been given the role of crewmate and, alas, had no weapon.

"That's quite enough Bro, I won't get anything done if I can't see anything," The Gentleman grumbled as he readjusted his top hats. The constant offhand comments about the double hats was really getting old at this point.

"Fair enough." Bro walked out of the cafeteria and into admin. There was almost immediately a short yelp of pain followed by the creak and slam of a vent opening and shutting again, but The Gentleman couldn't really bring himself to care. Bro would be back and annoying as ever in the dropship.

"Serves him right," Mr. Egg growled. His perky demeanor returned again, though, and he turned to his business associate and smiled. "Sir, I was wondering if I could show you something this round?"

Normally, The Gentleman would have shot the offer down, after all, he had tasks for a reason and completing them was one of the few ways he could win this game as a crewmate. He found it rather difficult to reject anything Mr. Egg offered, however. The Gentleman wasn't sure he liked the feeling of not having enough control over his actions around this particular astronaut, but luckily the said astronaut had his best interests at heart.

The Gentleman allowed Mr. Egg to grab his hand and guide him towards the weapons room, over to the large window that allowed whoever was operating the blasters on the outside of the ship to see the asteroids they were shooting. At the moment, however, the chair was empty, and the two partners were the only ones in the room.

"Mr. Egg, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I've seen this before. From the looks of it this task has already been done."

This was true. From the various sizes of asteroid chunks slowly drifting away from the window, it was clear that there was no work to be done here.

"That's not what I'm trying to show you, sir. Have you ever looked past the asteroids?" Mr. Egg let go of The Gentleman's gloved hand to gesture vaguely past the space rocks to somewhere beyond. Admittedly, The Gentleman had never particularly paid much attention to what was past the asteroid task, but now that it was pointed out to him there were multiple sparking nebulas in the distance, creating a breathtaking canvas of colors against the blackness of space.

"Sometimes I wish I could go out there without a spacesuit," Mr. Egg mumbled, more to himself than anyone else, "and mingle along with the other various space items out there."

"Mr. Egg, you mustn't do that!" The Gentleman cried, grabbing the other's hand again. "Without any pressure, the boiling point of water drops so low that your own blood would begin to boil just from your body temperature! The moisture would also boil out of your mouth and off your eyes, and in addition, you'd immediately be blasted with devastating amounts of cosmic radiation and be frozen with the deathly low temperature-"

Mr. Egg shushed his now rambling companion. "That was only hypothetical, sir. I would never actually go out there unprotected."

The Gentleman felt a little silly now, but he was reassured that there was no need to be embarrassed when Mr. Egg let out a soft chuckle and rested his head against the taller's shoulder. "I believe you worry too much, sir. Too much for a simple game, anyhow."

"Perhaps I do," The Gentleman sighed. "I suppose it's the effects of participating in a game where I regularly get slaughtered. Not my cup of tea, to be perfectly honest with you."

As if on cue, The Gentleman felt a sharp, burning sensation shoot through his neck. After a second or two of searing pain, he felt nothing, not even his companion's hand in his own.

"Aw, yeah, double kill! Nice one, babe!" Came a voice that sounded like the speaker perpetually had a stuffy nose. Engineer.

"Two more and we win! Let's go, snookums!!" Gnome cheered in her unwaveringly over excited tone. The Gentleman cringed from second-hand embarrassment at the ridiculous pet name as he watched them go; before he realized the ghost of his associate floating right next to him, looking equally disgusted by the lovebirds as they ran off. The impostors laced their fingers together and pocketed their guns as they went.

"Well, at least they were merciful enough to kill both of us," Mr. Egg remarked.

"You know we would reunite in the dropship, don't you?" The Gentleman asked, although it wasn't really a question. Mr. Egg knew all the mechanics of this game by now.

Mr. Egg looked away. "Yes. But that doesn't mean I like having to report your body."

It was uncomfortable to see Mr. Egg look upset, so The Gentleman took his partner's hand in his own to the best of his ability in their transparent form and floated past the wall and out into space, towards those nebulas they'd been looking at earlier.

"We can probably get closer to those now that we're ghosts," The Gentleman explained when Mr. Egg gave him a look of confusion.

Mr. Egg smiled again. "So, you liked looking at them, then?"

"Of course, my dear."

Oop. He hadn't meant for that to slip out.

For The Gentleman, the prospect of romance was so foreign and untouchable, it felt almost unnatural to use a term of endearment so casually. He almost trembled from the weight of what he'd just said, or at least, he trembled as much as he could in his ghostly form. "I apologize, Mr. Egg, that was-"

"I actually don't mind at all, sir," Mr. Egg interrupted.

There was a moment of silence, but a comfortable one, while they both let the exchange that had just occurred sink in. The Gentleman broke the silence with a small laugh. "I suppose we're no better than Engineer and Gnome now."

"Quite truthfully, I don't mind that at all. Although I'd prefer if you never used any of the same phrases as them."

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