20| Conquering The Flame

32 11 13

Cloud sits on the hard ground with his back against a tree as he catches a breath. At this point he estimates there are at least ten minutes left and he has yet to make a decision.

Run or fight?

He has already taken out a few people but those battles only slowed him down and made it easier for the white haired maniac, with a staff made from ice, to track his movements.

"Dead." Arden mutters, ambushing his prey from his blind spot.

Cloud's eyes cross as he looks at the newly transformed blade of ice hovering over his neck, trying to figure out how he managed to sneak up on him. "If you wanted me to hold your hand the entire time all you had to do was ask."

"You should channel more and talk less."

"Why, when it's such an effective tool at distracting my enemies?" Cloud replies through gritted teeth, parting his lips to mutter the enchantment. "Ignium!"

The end of Arden's blade melt which allows Cloud to get away but it doesn't last long as he calmly releases a blast of frozen air from his mouth, reforming it in an instant.

Cloud bends over, placing his hands over his knees to keep his balance. "Are you like...part terminator or something?"

Arden looks Cloud in the eyes for a split second before averting his eyes, expertly twirling the staff in his hand to get a better grip. "No more talking."

"Fine by me." Cloud replies unconvincingly, clearly triggering something in Arden whose attacks become far more aggressive.

Admittedly, although not completely convinced by his channelling abilities, Arden is impressed by Cloud's speed.

Whilst he doesn't completely avoid or deflect all of his attacks, he does manage to avoid every attack that could be lethal enough to activate the Professor's temporary rune on his wrist.

"Ventis glacies!"

A strong wind pushes against Cloud, everything it comes in contact with slowly begins to freeze.


Tiny flames appear around Cloud, forming a circle of fire around him, spinning until they create their own heat wave. It prevents anything else from freezing but the ice has already frozen his shoes and his feet.

"It is becoming painfully obvious that that's the only enchantment you know." Arden remarks, taking his time to approach Cloud now that he has him trapped.

"Ignium..." he whispers, rolling the word over his tongue. "It means fire, doesn't it? Or do you not remember because of the hex?"

"You know about the Snare?"

Arden ignores the question, his voice as soft as unbothered snow. "With magic, the more precise the spell, the easier it is to predict the outcome. Ignium as an enchantment is too...vague."

Cloud scoffs, wincing as the ice slowly crawls up his legs, speaking through heaves of exhausted effort. "Yeah, well, I only just learned...about enchantments."

"Why are you here?"

"I was invited like everyone else."

"But why did you come?" Arden inquires for the second time.

Run or fight? Those are his options. Follow along with Helel's plan, stay under the radar and go back into hiding once this is all over...or do the unthinkable.

"I'm here because my parents wanted me to be. I'm here, in this situation, because a threat was made against my life. But most importantly...I'm here to learn the truth!"

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