23| Chaos Walking

81 32 67

Cloud stares into the light, wondering what it would have been like if he'd actually died.

It would have hurt, that's for sure, but perhaps that would have been the better option then being forced to pretend that everything is fine when that is very far from the truth.

He sits on the steps of the porch, observing Jonathan drive his maul into another wooden log, splitting it in half on top of a bludgeoned stump with beads of sweat trickling down his shiny forehead.

They refrain from saying much to each other, unsure of how to bridge the growing distance between themselves, keeping their exchanges as short as twenty words per conversation, sometimes more if necessary.

Cloud can't imagine forgiving the betrayal, not for now anyway, and all Jonathan wishes is that it had never happened in the first place.

“Where’s your shirt?” he asks Hunter as he collapses on the steps next to him, munching on sticky mangos.

Hunter simply snarls back at him, enjoying the feeling of the sun on his bronzing back and chest, only stopping once Mrs. Jefferson steps out of the house.

“Where'd you guys go last night?” Amy asks, wearing her wavy chestnut hair pulled back in a free flowing ponytail. “I fell asleep waiting for you to get home.”

Cloud subtly locks eyes with Mr. Jefferson, subconsciously rubbing his own arms before turning to face his mother's expecting gaze as she takes a cautious sip from her giant cup of coffee.

“We went to Charlie's and got something to eat.”

“Did you bring me back anything? I didn't see anything in the fridge this morning.”

“No, sorry, I tried but you know what Hunter’s like. He has the appetite of a giant-”

“-Hellhound.” Hunter interjects, preemptively correcting Cloud before he makes the mistake of calling him something offensive like a Minotaur or Cyclops, a pair of lesser beings from the Dark Realm known for their insatiable hunger.

Cloud drops his head, smiling in defeat. “What he said.”

Amy Jefferson smiles politely, growing fonder of their beastly companion’s antics, constantly entertained by how his almost infant-like personality clashes with his bodybuilder-like physique.

“I know South Silver Oak wasn't in the plans…but I think we should see the benefits of the situation.”

Jonathan folds his arms, furrowing his brows, now feeling how damp the hair on his head is now that he isn't moving. “Benefits?”

“He'll be safe there John.”

“You can't guarantee that. You know what those people are like Amy, they only play for their own personal gain.”

“Whilst that may be true, it's also the only place that the Church doesn't have a foothold in.” she counters, trying her best not to raise her voice. “They'll be able to teach him things we can't.”

“That's what we have Helel for.”

“He’s only teaching him how to survive, so are we, but maybe surviving isn't enough anymore!” Amy pulls back, taking a moment to centre herself, choosing her next words carefully. “Maybe he needs to learn how to thrive…not just to live.”

The conversation is swiftly side tracked as Hunter suddenly springs to his feet, tilting his right ear towards the sky whilst closing his eyes to focus.

“What is it?” Jonathan asks, looking off into the distance but seeing nothing coming up the one way path to their home.

“I hear tires.”

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