75| Displaced Angels

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Cloud visits Hunter in the infirmary before leaving the Academy and is surprised to find Helel of all people sitting by his bedside.

He leaps to his feet in a way that feels off putting for someone like him.

Was that excitement on his face or is he just projecting onto the angelic being who may not even be capable of an emotion like that?


"-I'm not here to argue. I came to visit a friend."

"Of course." Helel replies, falling back into his seat as Cloud heaves a giant basket of snacks onto the bed.

"Now don't expect me to bring snacks to you every time we meet up. This is just my apology for being gone so long...I know you were worried there for a second."

"Worried? No. Enraged? Definitely." he retorts, lazily tipping the basket over to get a better look at the contents inside, seemingly pleased with the selection he was able to gather. "But I can learn to forgive. As long as you make me one promise."

Cloud rolls his eyes but plays along for Hunter's benefit. "Oh yeah? And what is that?"

"If you're almost going to die....at least take me with you. The food in this place tastes worse than when I had to hunt down a band of goblins."

Cloud smirks, glancing over at Helel who simply shakes his head, grinning even harder once he sees the stone cold expression on Hunter's face and realises he's being one hundred percent serious. "Well as long as the Church of Babylon is out there, you and I are going to be in cahoots."

"Well why stop there?" Helel remarks, forcing Cloud and Hunter to turn in his direction.

"What do you mean?" Cloud asks, noticing the intense stare that Helel and Hunter share.

"Helel thinks we should make our bond official. That you and I should become each other's Paragons. For real this time."

"There's that word again." Cloud chimes, waiting for an explanation from either of them.

"I'm not ready."

"You've been ready for a while now." Helel utters. "I've seen a change in you. For better or worse I am unsure as of this present moment...but it's time to settle in a new home."

"And what about you?" Cloud inquires. "What will you do?"

"Me?" Helel mutters, lifting his head towards the rays of sunlight beaming through the window panels. "I'll do what I've always done."

"Run away?"

Hunter responds on Helel's behalf, understanding him more than most will ever get the chance to. "Fight another day."

Several hours later Royals, Politicians, Civilians and Students alike gather in the streets of the Royal City in anticipation for the Solar Eclipse Parade that'll kickstart the celebratory event.

Though it has no religious importance behind it, the Solar Eclipse is a celebration of the new Olympia season that most use as an excuse to blow off steam; to forget oneself and to simply get lost in the colours of Eden.

Cloud considers it the perfect distraction from the chaos that seems to have befallen this world over the last few months.

He bounces on his toes, psyching himself up as he tries his best to let go of the feeling that something bad is waiting around the corner for him.

Cloud stops bouncing once Sky pops up in front of him and pecks him on the forehead, her soft kiss putting a smile on his face even though he wonders what he did to deserve it. "What was that for?"

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