76| Displaced Angels

40 12 11

One of the great fundamentals of magic has always, and will always be, a channeller's concentration.

Even before uttering a spell or pulling on an element the mind must first align with the body; without concentration one lacks control, and without that, the power of one individual's actions can be of grave consequence to the lives of many.

Sky knows that better than anyone…at least, she thought she did.

After all, her Sirenix abilities, passed from mother to daughter upon the previous owner's death, were only able to be awakened when something similar happened several years ago in Sirenia.

Demon attack. Severe infrastructural damage. Multiple casualties…

Thinking about it now makes her skin crawl and serves as the pinnacle reason why she resents her blood channelling abilities.

However, with the streets of the city currently sizzling with anarchy as little fires ravage the area, and more and more Initials being bitten and possessed by the Demons, she is forced to use it again for not only her protection but the survival of her friends.

“Guys tighten it up! Everyone stay together!” she yells, chocking on the smell of burning rubber and smoke that's being carried by the wind, making it harder to breathe, let alone think long enough to come up with a plan of survival.

Sky, Casey, and Neith run into her uncle but the overwhelming wave of nausea at the sight of blood dripping down his forehead from a shallow cut throws her off her game.

You would think after a person with a blood trait, and lineage like hers, she would be used to the sour smell. But it never gets any easier. Not with blood.

“Are you okay?”

“I'm fine.” he replies, wiping his right eyelid with the back of his hand so that he can see. “You, where's your brother?”

Casey shakes his head, his face feeling hot after fighting his way through the screaming stampede. “I don't…I don't know.”


“I said I don't know!” he yells, tugging at his hair as he tries to keep it together.

“He'll be fine,” Sky voices. “We’ll find him. You hear me, we'll find him!”

“But what if we don't?” he replies, sweating from his eyes as explosions go off behind him, not even flinching when chunks of rubble ricochet around him.

“Alright, this is what's going to happen. Greyson, Greyson are you listening?” Gallo inquires, snapping his fingers to get his attention. “I'll find your brother but your number one priority is these two. You hear me?”

“Yeah, yes, I hear you sir.”

“Good. Protect them with your life.”

“We’ll protect each other.” Neith interjects, stepping in front of Casey to block him from Gallo's intense glare.

“Uncle, my dad-”

“-he already left “ he replies before she can finish her question, locking eyes with her. “I'm sorry.”

There's an ache, her chest tightens, and she wonders if he can see it on her face but she's confident that her expression remains neutral. “Be safe.”

“I always am. Now go!” Gallo orders, the wind picking up as he channels through the water sitting inside a barrel of apples, grounding a squad of Initials salivating at the mouth like rabid hounds after being possessed.

Her memory of her uncle will forever be tainted as she watches him let out a bloodthirsty howl before leaping through the air and taking down two enemies by grabbing their heads and dragging them to the floor with him.

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