31| Silver Oak Academy

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Eventually the day arrives when Cloud finishes packing his essentials into boxes ready to be driven to the castle on the hill, having spent nearly the entire night rushing to get everything ready even after Mrs. Jefferson repeatedly reminded him that the first day of the summer programme was quickly approaching.

At the time he was too busy working on improving his element control over fire as well as attempting to study some Latin in secret.

He doesn't see himself becoming an Arcanist, but Hunted convinced him to knowing that a few enchantments wouldn't hurt.

However, both tasks were a challenge, especially since Helel took it upon himself to withdraw from teaching him anything new, spending most of his time running around town doing god knows what to who.

Thankfully Hunter was there to fill in a few of the blanks like the differences in male and female channelers.

How he explained it was that male channelers were gifted at channelling large amounts of raw power, making them naturally stronger as Evokers whilst lacking the control necessary to perform intricate spells, another reason why female channelers are far more likely to be better Arcanist.

Cloud finishes packing the rest of his cardboard boxes into the tiny black car that appeared earlier in the day with the school's insignia, a silver phoenix, mounted onto the hood.

“Alright, I think that’s everything.” he declares, slamming the boot shut after managing to squeeze the rest of his stuff inside, rubbing his injured hands on the back of his jeans to avoid getting his favourite green jumper dirty.

“Make the right choices kid.” Jonathan replies, leaning against the car with his arms crossed.

“Yes sir.”

Mr. Jefferson's eyes flit towards the house before leaning in a little closer, lowering his grizzly voice even further. "Your mom wanted me to have a word about the birds and the bees but I’d rather spare us both the awkward conversation."


“We’re still too young to be grandparents you hear.”

"I got it, you don’t have to worry." Cloud laughs airily, combing a stray curl out of his eyeline.

Mr. Jefferson pushes off the car, offering his hand, pulling his son into an unexpected hug. "Be safe."

"John, let go of the boy. You're cutting off his air supply." Amy teases, tapping her husband on the shoulder, knowing that there isn’t a soul with a softer touch than him. "Your father has never really been good at saying goodbye."

“That’s strange. He’s usually jetting off somewhere in his fire truck. Feels like I’m always saying goodbye to him.” Cloud jokes, stumbling backwards after Mr. Jefferson pushes him away. "You guys probably won't miss me much. You'll have the whole house to yourself and everything."

Amy takes her chance to hug Cloud, whispering her sweet reply into his soft head of hair. “We already do.”

“You guys do know I’ll be back almost every two weeks right?”

“You better.” she mutters, eventually letting go so that Helel can have a private moment with Cloud, the couple taking their time to head inside.

It's only now that Cloud realises that the height difference between himself and Helel isn’t that much different and it has in fact been Helel’s intimidating presence that always made him feel so small.

But now Helel can’t even look into his green eyes or keep up his charade of false indifference. “The Fury is still out there so I’ve instructed Hunter to keep close. He’ll be tailing your every movement but I doubt that’ll be an issue for either of you.”

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