Chapter 1: Breakdown

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It was a monday, a pretty quiet one to be exact. It was raining outside and the sounds of waterdrops could be heard against the school windows. Naoto (Senpai) had art class, and after it was a 15 minute break, which he was looking forward to. He didn't sleep well that day, so he knew he could rest in the clubroom.

The bell ringed and the students picked up their things and left the classroom, leaving Naoto alone.

Naoto always liked to leave the classroom last, he liked to have his peace, which is why he sometimes disliked it when Nagatoro would come to the art clubroom, that day was today, and Naoto was way to tired to endure Nagatoro's teasing.

Naoto entered the clubroom, suprised to see it empty. He would have expected Nagatoro to arrive before him, but he was glad he came first.

"Just 15 minutes" He told himself as he threw himself on the sofa.

As he was about to fall asleep, he could hear the clubroom door slide, only guessing who it was.

"Wassup Senpaii!" was all Nagatoro said. When Senpai didn't respond, Nagatoro walked up to him and started pulling his hair. "Wake up Senpaii! Why are you even sleeping in school, gross" She said as she saw Naoto open his eyes, obviously irritated by her apearance.

"Stop ignoring me Senpai, don't make me pull you away from that sofa" Naoto replied "Please, Nagatoro i didn't sleep well last night and i can barely stand up" Just as he said that, he saw Gamo-chan, Yoshi and Sakura enter the clubroom. "Oooh, what is this. Somebody didn't sleep well did they?" Gamo-chan said as she looked down at Naoto who was lying on the bed.
"Oi Paisen" she shouted as he lied on the sofa, looking like he's completely ignoring them, but that wasn't the case, he was just way to tired to even react. "C'mon Hayacchi wake him up" said Yoshi with a devilish look. Nagatoro immedietly put a grin on her face, ready to ruin Naoto's day.

In the corner of the clubroom was a bucket full of filthy water which was usualy used for dirty brushes. As soon as Nagatoro started walking towards it, Naoto reacted. "Wait Nagatoro Im awake! You don't have to do that!! Look im awake sto-"

It was only for a moment, but for Naoto this felt like a whole minute, next thing he knew he was wet, dripping with dirty water, not even reacting. He stood up, looking at the floor, completely devastated, so devastated he couldn't even say anything.

"Wait Hayacchi what the hell are you thinking, i didn't tell you to ruin his clothes, what the hell is wrong with you?" was the only response Yoshi could come up with.
"What do you mean? He's way to gross, he was already dirty anyways" Nagatoro replied, at that moment she didn't seem to care what she did to Naoto, althought that wasn't the case.

"What the hell? I didn't even do anything. Why would they do this to me? I didn't even deserve this." he thought to himself. As much as he hates to admit it, he likes Nagatoro, which was a problem. He liked her, but she obviously only saw him as a pet, or how he thinks she sees him, a slave. It was like a curse, he couldn't pass his day without her, but sometimes when she was there, she would bully him to the point where he wouldn't have energy to react. His frustration built up over the year because of the bullying, mainly because of the mean nicknames Nagatoro gave him.

So many questions popped up in his head, he couldn't stop thinking. Which was what he did a lot.
He overthinks. And because of that, he often comes up with false anwsers to his own questions.

"What the fuck Hayacchi?? That wasn't neccesary!" angry with Nagatoro, Gamo-chan went out to help Naoto, who was standing there, devastated.

"What? He deserved it! He's the worst, just look at him, he's gross and looks like a sloth!" Nagatoro replied as she looked at Gamo-chan, it was like a staredown, but it wasn't, because it took a second for Nagatoro to realise what she said.

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