Chapter 5: Biggest Fear

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For as long as he's known for himself. Naoto has been bullied. He was simply the kind of person to never fight back. He would take an insult, and bear with it, no matter how harsh it was. He thought it would be like that forever, but that all changed a year ago. That was when he met Nagatoro. At first, Nagatoro bullied him to the point where he would cry, but after some time, he would get used to it. But what happened two days ago was over the line for Naoto. Nagatoto bullied him to the point where he couldn't even cry. He lost all emotion in him. He was basicaly lifeless. Nagatoro basicly his biggest nightmare at this point.

He would expect the least who he would meet at that moment.

"Huh, somebody's pulling me? I don't really see them since i put my glasses in my pocket. It's a girl... with black hair... Don't tell me.." Naoto was only hoping that it wasn't his biggest nightmare who was pulling him. He could barely think. He was being pulled by someone during a crazy storm. He could barely walk anymore, but somehow he managed to keep up with the pace.

Since he couldn't really see who was pulling him, he thought it wasn't right for him to instantly assume it's Nagatoro.

The girl pulled him for long enough, until they got to a house. She immeditly pulled him in. It was a reaction, but he immedietly took out his glasses and put them on. The girl that was standing a meter away from him, not to his suprise, was Nagatoro.

"Nagatoro why did you pull me with y-" before Naoto had the chance to finish his sentence, Nagatoro burried her face in his chest, and hugged him tightly, making him unable to move.

It took a little more than 10 second, and Nagatoro started to cry. She cried with her face burried into Naoto. She didn't want him to see her crying, she never showed any weak emotions towards him, and as a person who she was, she just couldn't admit that she was crying.

"Idiot. What the hell do you think you're doing? Walking outside on a literal storm?" she looked up at his face, eye to eye. Naoto could finaly see her face. She was crying, but even more, she looked tired, her hair was messy, instead of smiling like she usualy did around him, all she had on her face was a pent up, face of a person who hasn't slept for like a week.

"She...She looks tired...But who am I to think about her, I don't know what happened to her that made her look like that, but i know she's not the only one who had it like that recently." Naoto was actualy worried about Nagatoro. But he denied it. He didn't want to think that. Nagatoro humiliated him.

She looked at him eye to eye.

"Do you have any damn idea how worried i was about you??" he instantly jumped to the conclusion that she was trying to trick him into hanging out with her.

"I don't get it. You don't have any reason to worry about me. I'm weird and gross. My whole appearance is just sad to look at. And on top of that, i don't think you act like you worry about me. I just really don't understand where this is coming from."

Nagatoro was suprised by his sudden reaction. He never had what it took to talk down to Nagatoro like that. He seemed different... She could barely hear him talking, and he talked with no emotion. It ticked her off. She felt guilty about it.

But she didn't care. She knew she had to do something, she barely lasted 2 days without seeing him. She couldn't risk losing him forever. She had to apologize right here, right now.

"I know. I have been terrible to you. I'm sorry Naoto. So please! I promise this and i won't break that promise. Please, please forgive me! I don't know what to do. I haven't been able to sleep these two days. Gamo-chan told me you were beat up, and i just couldn't stop thinking about it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart, and i want to thank you for accepting me for a person who i was, so please, forgive me. I look like this because all i did in the last 48 hours was think about how much i hurt you. I want to keep hanging out with you! I want to keep seeing you happy...I promise i will never make fun of you to the point of you feeling offended. I will never do anything that makes you uncomfortable! Even the smallest thing! So please..."

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