Chapter 10: Unexpected Contact

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"Huh... where am i...?" Nagatoro thought.

She was standing in the middle of a school. It was dark, there were no sounds. All she could hear is the wind. It was a little unnerving.

"Is anyone here?!" She yelled on the top of her lungs.

She started walking through the school. Suddenly, she realised it was the school she attended. She decided to make her way to her class. As she got closer and closer.
The wind became quieter and quieter. She found her classroom, and proceeded to open the door. When she did, she heard whispers from inside, yet nobody was actualy inside.

"Is this a dream...?" It felt like reality, but it also felt unreal. She decided she would go see the art room.
As she got closer, more blood would appear on the walls and the floor.

"W- What the hell??" At this point, she was scared.
Suddenl, she could hear crying. A boy, to be exact. As she got closer, she realised the boy who was crying, was her one and only Senpai.

She was now so scared that she was trembling. She got to the art room door to see it completely red bathed in blood.

"Wh- what's going on???" She wanted to open the door, but at the same time, she was scared to. she didn't know what would happen if she did. The more she thought, the more the boys crying could be heard. At some point, it was so loud that Nagatoto just could bear with it a anymore. She quickly opened the door.

"How...? There's no one inside...? When she opened the door, she couldn't see anyone inside, and the crying also stopped.

Everything was silent for a moment, but then...

"Look behind youuuu!"

Her heart almost dropped. She quickly turned around, just to see her beloved senpai bathed in blood, full of wounds and cuts.

"AAAAH" She finaly woke up. Her breathing was heavy, and her heart was thumping really fast.

"Ah... It was a nightmare." It didn't take her too long to realise, but after she woke up a little she realised the room she was in was completely unrecognizable.

"Huh...? Where am i? Is this another nightmare...?" She didn't want to go through that ever again.

She got up, barely. Her body felt heavy, she saw a water bottle, and a letter under it too. She took a couple sips of water and started reading.

"Hi Nagatoro. If you're wondering where you are, you're at Naoto's house. You were pretty drunk and it got me a little worried. My parents weren't home, so i thought it was a good idea to let yoj sleep here overnight. I put a bottle of water if you need. If you're hungry you have some food in the fridge. By the time you're reading this, i'm probably downstairs sleeping in the living room. If you need or want to take a shower, you can use my clothes, i don't honestly mind."

It made her happy. Her Senpai was that worried about her. He made sure everything was completely okay.

Nagatoro was kinda hungry, so she went downstairs into the kitchen. The kitchen was kinda connected to the living room, so she saw Naoto sleeping.

It was currently 4 AM, so she didn't want to wake him up.

After 10 minutes, she stuffed herself with some food that was in the fridge. She turned off the lights, and then went into the living room.

She observed Naoto's body. He looked a little more buff than before.

"Has he been training?" She thought.

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