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Hi, thank you for your continued support during this whole story. The amount of people who supported me is huge and I can't express how grateful and blessed I am.

However, as most of you probably noticed, I've been gone for a while now, and I wasn't able to write, I'm also fully recovered now so there's that. Unfortunately, I completely lost the plot and my ideas for this story, so I decided to end it where it was originally supposed to, at chapter 17. I apologize for the inconvenience this makes for the people who read the rest of the story after chapter 17 and didn't get to see it continue, you have my full apology, I am at fault here.

I might write new stories, but I really don't know which shows to pick up. I don't really watch anime that much, I realised how much of my time it took and how many times i stayed up late because of it, this is for the best. (I still might write some original stuff tho, not sure how well that will go).

If you have any suggestions on what I should write next, feel free to tell me, I might actually use the ideas.

Once again, I'm sorry for not finishing the story, I hope you understand it's for the best.

I'm Sorry, SenpaiWhere stories live. Discover now