Chapter 17: Conclusion

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Naoto was in the hospital. It's been 11 hours since he passed out during the fight with three boys. It was 11 PM. It was dark outside

Nagatoro was still waiting for Naoto to wake up, even though it was late.

She held feel asleep om the chair besides Naoto. The surroundings of the hospital were mostly parks, so the ambience of the place was pretty silent. It was a clear night sky.

Nagatoro woke up.

"Huh?? Oh... I must have dozed off..." She looked at Naoto.

The lights in the room were off, so the only thing that was enlightening the room was moonlight.

Nagatoro stood up, walked to the windows and opened them.

She layed her hands on the window.

"I wish it was this type of weather everyday. The moonlight is beautiful to look at..." She thought.

While she didn't act and look like it, Nagatoro was actually pretty girly with nobody around, but she didn't mind it, because she trusted Naoto. She felt like she could be herself around him.

"But seriously... what was that..." She had a flashback to the fight.

"He stood up like nothing happened to him, and yet he's all beat up... Even I got scared there for a moment... Has he actuaĺly secretly been this way? Well, I'm not sure if I like it or not... But... that was pretty cool... Even though I gotta teach him some lessons. I'll never let him push himself that hard ever again." She thought while looking at him.

Before she knew it, she realised what she had been thinking about, and it made her embarrassed.

"W- WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING ABOUT???" She thought, with an internally screaming voice.

She was looking at Naoto, who was at that point asleep for the whole day. She uncovered the blankets and looked at his body.

It was completely wounded, full of stiches.

"His cut marks are still pretty visible... They'll probably never go away. Seriously, he keeps getting me worried."
She thought.

She examined his body for another 10 minutes and noticed that his body has more muscle than before.

"Maybe he works out at home sometimes...?" She asked herself.

At this point, Nagatoro was all over his body. She blushed at the thought.

"Urghh..." Naoto groaned.

"H- huh? He's waking up?" I quickly gotta get off him."
She thought. Her hands were still on his body.

Both of her hands were grabbing his waist.

"Ugh... I can feel something holding onto me." Naoto thought while waking up. He opened his eyes. To see Nagatoro holding his waist.

Both him and Nagatoro immedietly blushed.

"Umm, Naoto... t- this is..." Nagatoro stuttered in her words. She could find the right explanation to what she was doing.

Naoto, who was embarrassed at first, started laughing.

"Hahahahaha." This suprised Nagatoro.

"You really can't keep your cool around me, can you?"
He said while smiling.

"WHAA?" Nagatoro was literally internally screaming.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?? Was he always this attractive?" She thought, but another thought interrupted her mind.

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