Chapter 2: Regret

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Why did i do that? My body just moved on it's own. Why did I say all those things? I wanna say sorry to senpai, but he probably doesn't even want to see me right now.
Why would i do something so harsh?

The day has ended. It was about 11 PM, and they were all about to go sleep, except for Nagatoro. She couldn't sleep She felt completely defeated. Not only did she hurt Naoto, but her friends also got mad at her.
She felt bad, but she was also angry at herself.

Nagatoro knew she had to apologize somehow, but she was a person who could never be honest with herself.


It was Tuesday, and for Naoto, yesterday was probably the worst day of his life. He woke up tired. He didn't want to see Nagatoro and the others, so he decided to skip school. He never skipped school. If nothing was wrong he would feel completely bad about skipping school, but things were different.

Nagatoro entered the school. She was tired and looked almost like a zombie. She intended to apologize to Naoto, but not in a state she's currently in.

"Oi Yoshi, go cheer her up or something." Gamo-chan was obviously concerned about Nagatoro. She looked terrible. Her hair was messy, she wasn't energetic at all. Her class got used to her standing out and being energetic, so they immedietly all noticed the change in her behavior.

"Fine i'll go cheer her up" Yoshi irritated by Gamo-chan went to Nagatoro's desk. It looked like Nagatoro was asleep, but Yoshi knew she wouldn't be asleep during school.

"Ha-ya-seeeee!" Yoshi said in a cheerful voice while walking towards Nagatoro. Nagatoro looked up, her expression was blank. There wasn't anything that could describe it better. Just blank.

"What?" Nagatoro replied. "C'mon you gotta cheer up a little. I know you feel wrong, which you definetly should..." as Yoshi said that, Nagatoro got visibly irritated "...but, don't forget this. If you get depressed now, you will never be able to go see Senpai again."
with those words Yoshi tried to encourage Nagatoro at least a little, but it didn't really seem to work.

It didn't look like it, but Nagatoro was cheered a little. A little weight fell of het chest as she realised that her friends weren't angry anymore. She was a little relieved, but that wasn't the main problem of course.

"What should i do then?" Nagatoro asked.

"Ah, checkmate" Yoshi thought to herself. "The best option you have right now is to go to the clubroom when the 15 minute break comes. You should try talking with Senpai, if anything, i'll come with you"

Nagatoro felt much better as Yoshi talked with her. She decided to take Yoshi's advice and go along with it.
"Yeah... I think i'll do that..." Nagatoro replied quietly.
Yoshi barely heard her and said: "What was that? I didn't hear you." Nagatoro decided to finaly reply with more energy than ever that day "I said i'll do it! Damn it Yoshi"

"Nice work Yoshi, thats what i call a supportive friend!"
Gamo-chan thought to herself.

As the day went on, Nagatoro got more and more energetic, but nervous at the same time, as she was getting ready to talk to Naoto, her Senpai who she had hurt.

It was time, the 15 minute break arrived. Nagatoro immedietly ran to the clubroom. "Wait for me Hayase!"
Yoshi yelled, but Nagatoro ignored, and ran ahead of Yoshi. It took her under a minute to get to the clubroom, and she counted to 10.

She knocked on the door of the clubroom and waited for an answer. Nobody anwsered. "Huh? Maybe he's ignoring it..." Nagatoro was frustrated, so she decided to say it through the door "Senpai please! I know you don't want to see me, but i want to talk to you! I'm sorry for what i did! I know i hurt you, but i feel wrong about it, and i'm so sorry. So please, please let me just talk to you!"

Nagatoro waited at least 15 seconds for an anwser, but still, no one anwsered. She was frustrated, and decided to open the door. "Senpai, I'm coming in." as collected as she sounded she was very nervous.


It was all she could currently think of at that moment.

"There's nobody here..." Nagatoro was scared that Senpai might not have gone to the clubroom because he knew Nagatoro and the others would come.

She stood in silence, as cold wind was hitting against the curtains of the windows. There was not a single soul in the clubroom, and the windows were opened.
It was winter, so being in the clubroom almost felt like being in a cooler.

Hearing Yoshi running in the backround, Nagatoro didn't react, instead she stood still while looking into the reflection of her against the clubroom windows.

Yoshi entered slowly and said "Nagatoro, all you alright?" it took her a second to realise there was nobody except Nagatoro in the clubroom.

"He...He isn't here..." Nagatoro was emotionless. She spoke like a robot. Chills spiked through Yoshi. She never thought Nagatoro would be this depressed about her Senpai.

"Hayase get back to the clubroom. I'm gonna go check up on something" Yoshi said in what you could call a worried voice. She sent Gamo-chan a message to meet her at the cafeteria.

After they met, Yoshi explained what happened.
"Tsk" Gamo-chan was obviously pissed, Senpai was ignoring them, not only that, he was avoiding them. He never avoided them, whatever the situation.

"I kinda expected him to do this, but still, Hayase really got backfired didn't she." Gamo-chan thought to herself.
This obviously wasn't a situation that would be solved in a matter of 2-3 days. It would take weeks. Gamo-chan always thinks ahead of time, and she knew that it was too long. If they spent that much time without seeing eachother, it would escalate quickly.

Looking at how depressed Nagatoro was, she didn't even want know how Senpai was doing, but after all, she had to do this.

"Yoshi, you can go back to our classroom, i'm gonna go check something" Gamo-chan said calmly. She didn't want Yoshi to interfere with the current plan she had in her mind.

"Uh...Sure, yeah." Yohsi replied. She knew Gamo was up to something, but she didn't want to ask. She knew Gamo-chan always acts smartly, not quickly.

Gamo-chan walked up to Senpai's classroom and knocked. A short girl named Kena opened the door.
"How can i help you? Wait, you seem kind of familiar, aren't you one of those girls that hang out with Naoto-san during lunch breaks?" the little girl immedietly noticed and asked. "She calls Senpai by his first name, she must be a little close to him, i guess we don't know anything about him after all." Gamo-chan thought to herself. "Uh, yeah. I'm Gamo, you can call me Gamo-chan. Is he maybe here, or did he go somewhere else to eat?" Gamo-chan immedietly aksed.

"Actualy, he's absent. He said he felt sick so he didn't go to school today." Kena said.

"Oh..." was all Gamo-chan replied with.

"Why do you ask? Do you maybe know what happened to him? I tried to ask him, but he didn't want to answer. He isn't usualy like this..." Kena said. She was obviously worried about Naoto. Her relationship with him was obviously friends, but she was also close to him at the same time.

"I don't know, but thank you for telling me..." Gamo-chan said and then left.

"What the hell? He skipped school? I didn't think he would do that. He was always against that. And who the hell even is this girl? She calls him by his first name! If we don't do something, Senpai might end up being with that girl at the end."

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