Chapter 6: A New Rival

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A week has passed since Nagatoro apologized to Naoto.
They continued to hang out. Everything seemed fine. At least that's what Nagatoro thought, but she was wrong. She noticed something about Naoto. Ever since the incident happened where she bullied him and crossed over the line, he looked more gloomy. Even after she apologized, she noticed that he zones out every now and then. He speaks way less than before. His body was doing physicaly better, but it looked as if he wasn't even close to mentaly recovering from what had happened to him. It was as he couldn't get it out of his head.

This obviously bothered Nagatoro. She decided she would give it a thought about how to make his everyday life better. She still felt wrong about all of the things she's done.

The next day after Nagatoro apologized to Naoto, the three girls, Gamo-chan, Sakura, and Yoshi apologized as well.

It was currently monday, and Naoto really didn't feel like going to school, but he knew he had to. After his parents had arrived from that work trip, he still looked beat up, so he lied that he fell down the stairs. It seemed like they didn't believe him, but they didn't want to bother him too much. They understood he was under a lot of stress.

Naoto arrived at school like usual. He didn't have stiches and bandages on his face anymore, since the wounds have healed a bit, but it was still obvious he was beat up.

Kena was in the classroom. It was usual of her to arrive to the classroom before anyone else. She lived in an apartment in a building near school, so she had a pretty short walk to school. She also liked quiet places, where noone would bug her.

But it was different went it was about Naoto. She liked his presence, since he was similiar to her. He also like when it was peace and quiet, but it all changed for him when Nagatoro arrived in his life. She made him get used to her loud presence, since Nagatoro was that kind of a person.

Naoto also felt about Kena the same way. He liked how peaceful and quiet she was. That's why they got used to being around eachother.

"Hi Naoto-kun" Kena greeted. She had a smile on her face.

"Mornin." he said back.

"You see Naoto-kun, i've decided to investigate into something." She sounded like she was about start a somewhat serious theme.

"Those wounds on your face..." Naoto gulped. He was only hoping this scenario wouldn't had happened anytime soon. The last thing he wanted was Kena getting worried about him.

"Somebody beat you up, am i correct?" She went straight for it. Naoto's lying ended up backstabbing him. He felt guilty. He knew Kena trusted him, but he still forced himself to lie.

"N- No!! I... I told you i fell down! I wouldn't lie about that!" He tried, but it was obvious to Kena, and she wouldn't let Naoto have his way on this.

While this was happening Nagatoro was passing by their classroom. Let's just say she overheard and decided to listen to them in secret.

"Huh? Is that Senpai? And... a girl...? Is that girl Gamo-chan told me about?


"I think there's a girl you should look out for. She's even shorter than you and has short black hair and light blue eyes, but her appearance and presence is completely opposite of yours, so i don't really know.
Her name is Kena and as longs as i know, she's pretty close with Senpai, she even calls him Naoto-kun. I think they've known eachother for pretty long."

"Senpai is talking to Kena...?" she thought to herself. Being the person she was she tried to make the least noise possible and put her all into listening to what they were saying.

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