Chapter 1: Dawn of Disaster

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It's been 2 months and about a week since the Squidbeak Splatoon had destroyed Mr. Grizz. Sonic and the others have been relaxing after a long break, when Tails came in with urgent news.

"Guys! I just got a message from Callie and Marie." Tails said, in panic. "They need us to come to Splatsville."

"What for?" Manic asked.

"I don't really know yet. But let's get packing." Tails replied, as he got some stuff ready.

Everyone got together their stuff as they were ready to head back to Earth.

"So are we all packed up?" Amy asked.

"Yup. All set." Tails responded.

"Well, let's get going then." Sonic said, as he put his bag over his shoulder.

"I'll get the portal turned on." Shadow said, as he went to activate it.

As Shadow activated the portal, Sonic and the others entered back to Earth.

(\\// Earth: Splatsville Outskirts \\//)

Shadow rode his bike with Sonic, Sonia, Manic, Silver, and the others behind him.

"Man, it feels great to be back!" Sonic said.

"You're right, bro!" Manic said. "When it comes to music, this place is the best for it!"

"Guys, look!" Blaze said. "There's Callie and Marie!"

Sonic and the others came to a stop as they got out of their vehicles and met with Callie and Marie. They were both wearing their Squidbeak uniforms but in black and white instead of pink and green.

"It's good to see you again. But why are you both out here?" Shadow asked.

"We've been protecting Splatsville for the past month. We've been waiting for you guys." Callie said.

"Oh, man. If we hadn't have been away so long, we could've helped." Silver said.

"Don't be hard on yourself, Silver. It's not your fault." Blaze said.

"Any idea on who's attacking?" Amy asked.

"Someone more powerful than anything we've ever faced before." Shadow said.

The ground rumbled as dust appeared around the eleven Squidbeak agents, as cloaked figures surrounded them. An inkling in a ragged cloak with yellow tentacle hair stepped forward.

"The full moon shines upon us, for the heroes of old have returned." He said.

"What?" Everyone except Callie and Marie said, confused and shocked.

"It is an honor to meet the legendary members of the Squidbeak Splatoon." The cloaked inkling said.

"You've heard of us?" Sonic said.

"Everyone knows of your heroic deeds from the legends. Passed down for generations." The cloaked inkling responded.

"I guess some have been able to figure us out. And keeping it secret." Manic said. "Good thing it hasn't been fully revealed."

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Baxtory. The leader of this tribe." He said.

"Then maybe you can tell us what's going on." Shadow asked.

"It would be my great pleasure." Baxtory said as he began to explain. "Shortly after the defeat of Commander Tartar again, he was truly gone for good. And when you defeated Mr. Grizz and Dr. Eggman afterwards, peace had been restored for months. But that all soon ended the day we were attacked by the master of darkness, Mephiles. He spread his evil across the land. Mephiles conquered our world, and outlawed one of the many things we cherished the most. Music. Our only hope was the return of the Squidbeak agents, and Sonic Underground themselves. And here you are."

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