Chapter 11: The Dark Rooms

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Sonic, Sonia, and Manic fell from a high fall and landed on their backs knocking them out. When they woke up, they were in pain and saw they're in what looks like some kind of maze like room. All the walls were black, with white lights.

"Whoa, where are we?" Manic said.

"I don't know, Manic." Sonic said. "But wherever Mephiles sent us, it can't be good."

"H-...hello?" Sonia called out hoping someone else is with them. "No response."

"Let's take a look around." Sonic said as his siblings nodded.

Sonic, Sonia, and Manic looked around the place, but it mostly looked the same.

"Amy? Knuckles? Tails? Anyone in here?" Sonic called out. "Something smells like fire in this place."

"You're right, bro. It kinda does." Manic said.

"Why would there be any burning smell in here if it's just all black?" Sonia said confused.

The triplets thought to themselves grouped up, until they felt a shadowy presence.

"I feel like someone else is here..." Sonic said as he looked forward and saw a black figure with red eyes. "Oh, crap!"

Sonic grabbed his siblings and ran away. He didn't know it, but the figure was following him at the same speed.

"What does that guy want?" Manic said worried.

"Wait a second. We're Freedom Fighters. We don't run. We fight back!" Sonia said as Sonic came to a stop and let her and Manic go.

Sonia activated her medallion and Sonic did the same firing a blast at the figure, knocking him back. He got up as he spoke.

"AGH! What the hell was that for?" The figure said as the darkness faded.

"Wait a minute... isn't that?" Sonic said.

The figure was actually Shadow. He regrouped with the others.

"Shadow! You're okay." Sonic said.

"Sorry about blasting you." Sonia said.

"It's alright. I've been hit harder than that." Shadow said.

"Good to know you're okay, buddy." Manic said.

"It seems we've been trapped down here." Shadow said. "Whatever Mephiles is up to, he seems to want us away from the others."

"Suffice to say... we all don't know how to get out of this place." Sonia said.

"Hmm... if we could get our communicators working, we can map this place and find the way out." Shadow said.

Sonic then heard footsteps from another side of the dark rooms. It wasn't anyone they recognized. A cleansed octoling turned her head to see Sonic and the others as she ran off.

"An octoling!" Shadow said prepping his dualies.

"Let's take her out!" Sonic said prepping his Hero Shot.

Sonic and Shadow followed after the octoling and covered the floor in their ink causing her to trip and fall. Sonia and Manic caught up with the others as the octoling turned facing the heroes.

"DON'T GO ANY FURTHER!" The octoling said in a demonic voice before being splat.

"What was that about?" Sonia said confused.

"I don't know." Shadow said as he turned his head to see a door. "Guys, look! I think this might be the exit!"

Shadow went over to the door to get it open.

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