Chapter 15: Sonic Underground Forever (End)

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Shadow and the others have successfully managed to get to Solaris' vortex to his new universe he's creating.

"We made it!" Callie said. "The Killer Wail Launchpad worked!"

"Don't forget! Keep an eye out for Sonic!" Shadow said.

A yellow orange beam appeared as it was aiming for Shadow.

"Uh... what's that?" Agent 3 said pointing to it.

The spirit beam turned into a portal as Shadow as getting sucked in. He attempted to get out of range of it but failed. As he was sucked in, he was transported to Space Colony Arc.

"What the- Space Colony Arc? How'd I end up here?" Shadow said to himself.

A blue streak passed him as he saw who was running.

"Sonic?" Shadow said. "But he's dead. It must be one of Solaris' illusions."

Shadow ran after him as he knew that the hedgehog that ran past him wasn't really Sonic.

(// Sonic: Boss Fight //)

*Skip to 0:50 for the fight*

After Shadow defeated the fake Sonic clone he was transported somewhere else. The wormhole to Solaris' universe.

"Shadow! You okay? What happened in there?!" Manic asked Shadow from his communicator.

"I think the crystal that Sonic is trapped inside is challenging us." Shadow replied. "We got to beat those trials to get to him!"

New portals opened up as they aimed for the others.

"RIGHT!" Everyone said as they all entered the new portals.

(// SA1 Sonic: Boss Fight //)

*Skip to 2:57 for the fight*

Knuckles was successful in beating the Sonic clone as he moved on.

(// Special Stage Ring Attack: Sonic Vs. Tails //)

*Skip to 2:08 for the battle*

'In the first and third bouts Sonic wins and I tried looking for one with Tails winning.'

Tails managed to get more rings than the Sonic clone as he advanced too.

(// Turf War Battle //)

*Captain, Agent 3, Agent 4, and Agent 8 take on clones of the Octostrikers.*

Captain, and the Agents were successful in the battle as they advanced on with the others.

'Pretty much some of the same stuff happened with Callie, Marie, Pearl, Marina, Sonia, Manic, Blaze, and Amy.'

(After everyone finished the challenges...)

Everyone was transported through a portal on the other side where Solaris and the Octostrikers were holding Sonic and the pendant shards. Shadow, Sonia, and Manic were able to get theirs back after beating their trials.

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