Jeddie please go outside

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Jeddie wipes his sweat from his brow after cranking dope 90s in Fortnite.
"Get fucked scrub!" Jediplier yelled at the poor 12 year old that was just trying to have a good time.

Jedediah was proud of the work he did. He was a redditor on reddit that had almost 400,000 karma! He was passionate about his work bullying kids on a variety of different online games. He daunted kids from Fortnite to Roblox and when he was feeling very excited he would go to Call of Duty. had a lot of problems with what Jediplier did. One user in particular was adamant about his cancellation. Jed_Of_Diah was constantly harassing Jediplier because Jediplier called a 12 year old a slur! It wasn't even that bad!

Jedediah was one of those blue haired with pronoun types. He got offended over everything. His bio read: He/Him. Plant father. TEM DNI. Jediplier couldn't stand him but in a weird way he found he aversion to him endearing...

Even though Jediplier was constantly thinking about Jedediah he had to get back to his work. So he turned on his Alienware PC and booted up Roblox. His favorite game on roblox was sans undertale au tycoon. He was bullying puny noobs when a new player joined the game. Country-Boiz-Makdo8754. Something about his muscley roblox skin was so different from the rest.

"hey uhhh Country-Boiz.... I uh like ur skin!"

"Oh uh thanks baby girl ur skin isn't too bad yourself"

"Wanna go to Warrior Cats Rp Simulator?"

"I would love to dibs on fire star"

As Jediplier waited for the game to load he couldn't help but remember his crush on Jed_Of_Diah from twitter. Was talking to Country-Boiz getting the way? He hadn't even confessed his love for Jeddie yet!

Finally the game loaded and Jediplier saw Country-avoid in the fire star skin and he could not wait to roleplay! He was a little jealous that Jeddiboy had gotten firestar instead of him. But he didn't want to make Jeddiboy upset so he just used darklight instead.

"Hey baby girl" said Jeddiboy

"Wanna climb a tree with me?"

"I'd climb the tallest tree for you Firestar! Anything to impress you" Jediplier fawned.

"Anything?" Jeddiboy inquired

"I'd even steal the sun for you" Jediplier promised

"I want you to meet my boyfriend Jed_Of_Diah on"


Jediplier couldn't believe his spheres! Both of his crushes were dating!?!?!?!?!?!?!?1??!

"Jed_Of_Diah hates me because i call 12 year olds slurs!"

"I can put in a good word for you" Jeddiboy smirked.

Jediplier opened which was of course run by egg man. He opened his dms and found Jed_Of_Diah. He was shaking at just the thought of messaging him! He started typing an elegant soliloquy but he decided it was too pompous. So instead he write a short love poem.

"My dearest Jeddie~~~~ My heart is like a tirtle dove. What the fuck is a turd of dove. Love is confusing and makes no sense. It's elegant tho and can fly into the beuond. Beautifully cooing"

Jediplier hit enter and waited with faded breather to see how Jeddie would react!

"Oh i hope he doesn't hate me! All i did was say slurs!"

Jeddie responded with haste "Oh i know that we can't love for you a horrible monster for saying p1ss. But how i want to be passionately held o. your arms. Falling asleep to the tune of carmel dansen."

"BUT MY LOVE! EE CAN BE TOGETHER! Look at me!" *Jediplier sends a pic of his eyes*

*Jeddie sends a pic back* "I.. I've never made sphere connection before..."

"Wo..Would you like to go to the beach with me and Jeddiboy?"


The group gos to the beach and all of them are splashing around.

"This is so fun! Thank you for inviting me"

"No problem! I'm glad you came!"

They all went and sat on the beach. A song was playing

"Three truck holding hands, Three trucks holding hands, Wishing they 5'5 and wearing their highs"

Jeddiboy turns away grimly

"This song... it reminds me of someone of that i used to know"

Suddenly Adam appears out of nowhere

"We're gonna talk about feelings!"

Jediplier pipes up "Who the p1ss are you!" (AN: Bc he says slurs)

"I'm adam and i like therapy and so will u!"

Jeddiboy starts lore dumping his trauma

"Now and then i think of all the times he screwed me over/ s r s, he left me on read bc my hat was too big"

"That sounds so hard for you / gen" Adam consoled him

"But now i have two super mega hot weed smoking boyfriends! They kiss me and cuddle me and give me weed!" Jeddiboy cheered up

"Sorry that i had to vent" Jeddiboy apologized

"I guess you really my sussy baka" Jediplier and Jedediah say in unison

The three of them starr at each other lips and they premarital kiss under the gizeful of adam who stares at the camera and winks

(AN: I hope you liked the first chapter! I'll be updating daily!)

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