Superb Mega Hell

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"Oh i've been here before!" Jeddiboy exclaimed

They were is super mega hell with super mega satan which was lil nas bc he killed satan and took his throne like an absolute girl boss. and then slay.

"When we're you here???" Jedediah asked

"When i managed to make a whirlpool spin counter clockwise instead of clockwise while in the northern hemisphere" Jeddiboy

"That is not physically possible" Jediplier told him

"I know... that's why i ended up here"

"So where is here then?" Jedediah asked

"Supra mega hell which is the 10th level of hell for those that do things that affront even beyond god or things that are not possible" Jeddiboy explained

Pyrite walked towards the tallest building they could find hoping it was tall enough to go up a level of hell. It looked like it could because they could not see the top it they could see the ceiling of super mega hell.

"This place is charming..." Lemon wood sarcastically said seriously

"YEAH" Adam said adamly

As they said this they all witnessed a man's head get blown off by a strong wind. The headless being continued as if nothing happened

"Cool" Jeddiplier reacted

Even in super mega hell Pyrite was not safe from the Terran legal system so the cops were still after them. They heard the police sirens and hid behind a large rock that was conveniently shaped like the group of them.

"I could bc of sworn i saw them!" Cop one remarked

"Idk maybe ur old ass eyes are giving out" Cop 1.1 responded

"I am Cop 1 by legal name and you will show me respect Cop 1.1" He said forcefully

"You are my partner 1.1 and i want you to feel what i feel for you... respect and maybe- a little love!"

Cop 1 went in for a kiss with Cop 1.1 and when they're lips touched they fused into cop 2.1 Which made them stronger.

"What the fuck" Jeddiboy said

"Those little piss boys just became one big piss man" Jediplier said while continuously  gasping

Pyrite went out to fight the pissy man Cop 2.1. It was like an rpg fight. Pissy man Cop 2.1 would throw a punch. Lemon Wood would play an unreleased song so that Cop 2.1 would have to hold a secret or be sued in legal court which holds bad for cops of the Terran legal system.

"Ow these passionate lovers hurt like a lot" Jedediah poignantly pointed out because he's a nerd

"Yeah no shit" Lemon Wood poignantly pointed out because he's cool

The party eventually killed Cop 2.1 and as they were the only cops on earth they were free from persecution under the Americant law. They bested their foes and walked towards the hellish spire and began to climb.

Jediplier has a huge fear of heights so Jedediah had to carry him the entire way. It was kinda cute and Jeddiboy wishes it was him. Lemon Wood wishes he'd drop him because he's a bastard.

"We're almost there, we can make it to level 9 today k bet!" Adam said foolishly

"Dude we're only 1/3 there... it's been 6 hours..." Adam pointed out to himself. Not in like a poorly written bad representation of DID way but as in Adam is an idiot and realized he's an idiot 5 minutes after saying the first part.

After 18 hours staring of walking up those shitty stairs that are too thin to stand on fully and too tall to step up comfortably they made it to the top of the spire. They realized however that Jeddiboy was still at the bottom envious of Jediplier being on Jedediah's arms and he was crying about it. Wah wah he was crying like a little bitch lmao look at this fool.

"Should we go get him?" Adam the demon therapist who i forgot how i wrote him in episode one so now he's just soft for some reason

"Yeah go get him" Lemon Wood told Adam

"Okay tee hee uwu" Adam cutely walked down millions of stares and walked all the way back up carrying Jeddiboy bc jeddiboy is a bitch.

Now they were in the 9th level of hell which is for people who betrayed a friend or god.

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